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Do you believe in True Love?

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Do you believe in True Love? And what is true love for you?


I do, Meaning to me is when 2 people are happy to see each other, love being with each other, never fight (But if they do fight they work through it), and get along great and take love to the limits but not break love. And 2 complete strangers fall in love

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I do not take some people's attitude of; there is only one person for you.


I believe this is extreme and impossible.


True Love, I believe in love. Anyone who doesn't is just unfortunate not to have been there.


But everyone and every couple have disagreements, if they can live for all of their lives not disagreeing; there is something wrong quite frankly.


True Love - for me is finding someone that compliments me and I compliment them. I am attracted to them and vice versa. They have qualities I admire and vice versa.

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True love to me is.....finding that one person who will become your soulmate filling up all your gaps with happiness. True love is something rare that only comes accross a person once or twice in a lifetime and should be perserved forever. It is that one person who you share limitless compatablities together and love being in each others company. Fights are kept to a minimal and are always worked out bringing you closer together as a couple.

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i definitely believe in true love


the misconception is that everything will always be rosey and perfect and like a fairy tale, once you find that special person. maybe if people were more realistic, the divorce rate would decrease.


if you look at an older couple, one who's been together for many, many years...and ask them how they've lasted so long, they'll tell you about all the obstacles they've had to overcome, the days when the other person wasn't looking or smelling too good, the disagreements, the illnesses, the disappointments life presented, in addition to all the triumphs and joys.


true love means work, despite the many struggles. a solid partnership is one in which both individuals are willing to give their all and make sacrifices, even when they sometimes feel like giving up. the bottom line: if you want it to work, it will work. but true love is more than butterflies.

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I definitely believe in true love. For me, it's an unconditional love where you are accepted and valued for who you are despite your faults. It means compromise, but not compromising your integrity. It means working through whatever comes your way and doing it together. It's a lifelong committment and well worth the effort.

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For me true love is having complete trust in the other person. You trust them never to hurt you, you trust them with your emotions. You trust them to still love you even though you have a go at them for something, or if you disagree with something. When you are with that person everything is right, that you would do anything for them and they would do anything for you. You never feel as though the other person is better than you. Never embarrassed infront of them. You see each other's faults but you wouldn't have them any other way. I also believe that love and friendship go hand in hand. Love is something that when it's there, it will NEVER go away.

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I totaly beleave in true love.


To its Some one who of course as others have said compliments u. And has the same interests as you. I beleave that when it comes to the one u love, yes u do have arguments but u get over them. wether its within the next few minutes or a day. Some who understands u and u understand them in everyway.

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