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I'm totally lost.. I met this guy about a year ago, there was chemistry.. but we're both terribly shy.. anyway since then I have asked him out and he said yes, but had to cancel... I was sick of waiting around and so I told him I was sick of always having to make all the effort with him (as a friend rather than anything else..).. anyway we didnt speak for 3 months, and I finally thought I'd just email him and try to be friends... he acted like nothing happened and everything was fine.. but now I am back to waiting around for him to do soemthing, which I'm sure he won't... why does my heart still tell me he's the one.. why can't I get over him!

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hmm...i know i could sound totally stupid but when something like this happesn and you cant get over it it means it was something special. not to say that you should persue it or even that it will work it just means that person was something special to you. sometimes it should be left as a sweet memory. but in your case i say play it casually. if something else in your life comes up then forget it. but just be a friend....email here and there whatever. let him do the work this time at least MOST OF IT.

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there's something about him that you ilke. I don't blame you for waiting for him, you have no reason to dislike him. HOwever, if he does not have the same feelings for you anymore waiting would clearly be pointless, talk to him some more, find out what he thought when you guys didn't talk for that period of time.

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Huh, I had been there in your situation waiting and waiting for my guy to ask me out. I hate to say this but I learn from my experience that the guy who is interested in you enough will do the work. People in this forum kept telling me that it was not worth it for a one-way relationship. Is he shy or is he not interested? My guy and I had great chemistry and all that but he was just (as people always say) not that into me. I believe it is the same for your case. I had the feeling that my guy was the one and I still do think so but why on earth I want to be with someone who doesn't want to be with me? This applies to your case as well. You deserve better.

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I agree, sounds like he's not that into you. I waited around for a guy like this too and then along came a guy who really was into me and wow! what a difference. I felt just like you before that- 'I'm never going to have anyone really love me or want to be with me'. But I wanted to let you know it does happen so don't give up hope. He's now my husband and 3 years on is still into me! It will happen for you too.


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Always you like him a lot because besides the chemistry, besides the attraction he is

1. a challenge

2. seemingly unattainable


A good or impossible challenge is the one greatest aphordisiac (however you spell it) alive.

He might be playing hard to get. He might like the fact that he knows your panties get wet everytime he speaks to you.

Either way you are allowing him waaaaaaaaay to much power.

Do half the work and if he ain't gonna reciprocate than try someone else.

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If you want something you simply have to go for it....every guy I ever dated was someone that I want up to. I do not think there is anything wrong with being aggressive. I might be up to you to have some thing happen. Dont wait around go for it. Do you know if he feels the same way??

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