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if i were get on the pill, would that effect how regular i am? like would my peroid ALWAYS be a certain number of days apart? My periods have been really weird lately... usually im always 28 days apart, but the past 3 times i was early and then late the next time and im late again. so would gettin on the pill help with that??

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If you are on the pill you can control when you get your period. You just take the sugar pills when you are readi to have them. I was on the pill and didn't let myself get them for three months but i don't know if that is good for you.

Just ask a doctor, they're used to those sort of questions so you don't have to get embarrassed or anything. Just ask to see a female one.

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ok cool. i have another question...... im still only 17 so i dont exactly have a way of getting it other than going with my mom to the Dr. and i dont think its right to go behind her back to get it (i know a way i could but i dont think thats right). i know shed assume that i need it becuase im having sex (which is another erason but not my main reason) sooooo, any ideas how i could talk to her about it w/o her freaking out, or could I get it w/o her permission??? am i old enough to get it on my own??

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I don't know about where you live, but some cities have free clinics that will supply you with the pill if you don't have other means of getting it. You could contact and organization like Planned Parenthood and ask them.


If your period is only a few days off from being regular I wouldn't worry about it, it seems extreme to introduce all these chemical hormones into your body just to correct that.


If you're using the pill for birth control, don't forget that it doesn't protect you against sexually transmitted diseases (not just the major scary ones like AIDS but things like genital warts, gonorrhea and chlamydia, which doesn't have a lot of symptoms but if left untreated can make you infertile). Rates of sexually transmitted dieseases are highest among teens and young adults. It's best to use a condom. Be safe!

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i really dont want to go behind my moms back to get it. id like to approach this in a mature way, so how would i go about talking to her about this. shes going to assume i need it because im having sex with my bf (and yes, I am, but i dont exactly want her to know that). we've been using condoms, and have been very cautious about this, but i still worry becuase there have been times in the past where we werent as careful as we could have been..... so id like to protect myself a little bit better just to be safe.

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im anemic becaues my period is too heavy and the doc wants to put me on birth control. im honest wid my mom and she knew when i was going for the apointment. so the doc gave me 3 months supply but i read all the risks and im too scared to do it. but honeslty for an issue like this dont use birth control it fu*** up your system.

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Sorry hon, you can't have it both ways! Either tell your mom you want the pill and deal with her reaction, or go behind her back to get it and deal with the guilt.


Or forget about the pill and continue with condoms, but be stricter about using them. As goddess23 wrote, the pill can have some serious side effects, and some less serious but unpleasant ones (weight gain, loss of sex drive, depression etc.)


However I've found from past misadventures that some guys whine about having to use a condom. If you've found that you're unable to resist pressure to have sex without a condom, the pill might be a good idea, it's definitely better than getting pregnant at your age.

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I refuse to have sex w/o a condom anymore (we did once and got really scared). I'm pretty sure i can deal with her reaction, I just want to know how I could go about it w/o her freaking out


so another question, say I was to get an appointment (with her permission) but not for the specific reason of getting the pill. but if i were to ask the dr about birth control, would he talk to my mom about it, like say i ASKED for it, or would it be possible for him to give it to me for other reasons, and him tell my mom that? (if this makes since)

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oh boy, nother question. would the pill help with being super super emotional??? like would it calm my emotions some. i really cant handle all this being angry one second and crying the next, and i hate putting my bf through that =/ we fight a lot when i have my period (but we always make up after talking for like 10 min).

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oh boy, nother question. would the pill help with being super super emotional??? like would it calm my emotions some. i really cant handle all this being angry one second and crying the next, and i hate putting my bf through that =/ we fight a lot when i have my period (but we always make up after talking for like 10 min).


Different people have different experiences...some will get more emotional, others less so as it regulates hormones better.


I have been on pill for 10+ years...I found the first month I was more emotional, but then my body adapted and have not had any problems since. I will still get a couple days where I am really introspective and a little more sensitive, but it is not bad.


Your doctor cannot tell your mom anything really, so if you tell her you are having irregular periods/bad cramps and want to look at pill then she'll only know that.


My sister went on the pill with my mom's approval when she was only 15, as a way to help her acne at the time (some pills do have that side effect of clearing up acne).


Anyway, yes the pill will regulate. It can still vary by one or two days here and there, but it will make them lighter, shorter and generally more predictable (ie...I ALWAYS get my "period" on the 3 or 4th day after I start the sugar-pill week, and it always only lasts 3 days).

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thanks RayKay. that helped a lot.


umm, say when i go to the drs, and they do find out ive been having sex.... r they obligated to tell my parents or do i get any privacy w/ that?? becuase i refuse to go if they're gunna tell my parents..... id rather do all of this on my own and have to sneak it around.... i guess

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thanks RayKay. that helped a lot.


umm, say when i go to the drs, and they do find out ive been having sex.... r they obligated to tell my parents or do i get any privacy w/ that?? becuase i refuse to go if they're gunna tell my parents..... id rather do all of this on my own and have to sneak it around.... i guess


No, they are not obligated to tell your parents - patient-doctor privilege. They can actually get into trouble if they disclose medical records without court order or something absolutely necessary.


Honestly, the doctor probably won't care all that much, it won't be the first time they have seen someone who has had sex

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so, even if my mom were to ask, he cant give her an answer??? i mean, im only 17..... so wouldnt she b able to ask and them tell her??? sorry to ask so many questions, but i have to go to the dr for other reasons once i tell my mom about them, and i dont want the dr telling her things. i mean what i need to go for can wait till im 18, ive already waited a little over a year anyways.

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so, even if my mom were to ask, he cant give her an answer??? i mean, im only 17..... so wouldnt she b able to ask and them tell her??? sorry to ask so many questions, but i have to go to the dr for other reasons once i tell my mom about them, and i dont want the dr telling her things. i mean what i need to go for can wait till im 18, ive already waited a little over a year anyways.


You may have to check regulations in your state/province, but no, I am pretty sure he still cannot tell her. Doctor patient privilege would still apply if you were seeing him on your own (without her in the room).

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Here is an answer to all your questions -

First, just tell ur mom that you have been having irregular cycles and that you would like to look into birth control to regulate them. THe only problem is the are other medications besides birth control to regulate your cycles. If your mom has a problem with you being on the pill, then she might ask about that.

second, Dr.'s are not allowed to tell your parents anything with out your permission first.

hope this helps!

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thank you! she working on getting me an appointment for some other stuff thats been going on, and i tihnk im gunna talk to the dr about getting the pill. i heard it can make ur period less heavy and shorter, and i dunno if this is true but i heard u can hold it off for a while or something. which would be AWESOME since im going to europe with my school for 26+ days and we're backpacking the whoel time and u have to pay to go to the bathroom.... rar anyhoo, can u really hold off ur period for a while if ur on the pill???

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thank you! she working on getting me an appointment for some other stuff thats been going on, and i tihnk im gunna talk to the dr about getting the pill. i heard it can make ur period less heavy and shorter, and i dunno if this is true but i heard u can hold it off for a while or something. which would be AWESOME since im going to europe with my school for 26+ days and we're backpacking the whoel time and u have to pay to go to the bathroom.... rar anyhoo, can u really hold off ur period for a while if ur on the pill???


Depends on the pill they prescribe, so talk to the doctor about wanting to do that. One pill (Seasonale) allows you to only have periods once every three months or so.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hey all i hav a question now lol. i didnt end up taking the birth control because it was to make my periods lighter not for actual birth control and reading the side effects i got scared. apparently the first 3 months you get nausea and thats something im not willing to deal with period. lol so just wondering how many of you have gotten sick with birth control, specifically nauseated.

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hey all i hav a question now lol. i didnt end up taking the birth control because it was to make my periods lighter not for actual birth control and reading the side effects i got scared. apparently the first 3 months you get nausea and thats something im not willing to deal with period. lol so just wondering how many of you have gotten sick with birth control, specifically nauseated.


Some women do, some don't. It's usually due to your body adjusting to the hormones, and for many whom DO get side effects like nausea, they are gone in the first 1-2 months (and they are rarely "constant"). Not everyone reacts the same way, and every pill is also different with some pills causing more potential of side effects then others.


The side effect of nausea (as a doctor will tell you) is often alleviated by taking the pill at bedtime, rather when you are awake.


I did not have any nausea myself on them ever, nor any other side effects for that matter!

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Overit, If you are concerned about timing your period, I would recommend you speak to the dr about taking the pill that limits your period to 3-4 times a year as the other posters have suggested. You do not, and I stress that, want to start messing with your sugar pills once you have started the normal pill you take everyday...you are putting yourself at high risk of pregnancy. Also, talk to your doctor about the "mood swings" you've been having. If it is hormonal because of your period, there is medication that can be prescribed and OTC medications as well. If they are all of the time, there may be another cause for it that your dr should be made aware of or help diagnose.


I kind of have the sense that maybe there is more going on with telling your mother about all of this....some of your posts you make it sound like your mom will be somewhat ok with the idea of you going on the pill and other posts you come accross as afraid if your mother finds out....makes me wonder why or for what reason outside of you being 17 having sex. Pretty standard age for having sex, especially in a relationship. Just curious if there are other factors about your bf, the relationship itself or what.

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my mom would probalby be ok with me going on the pill if i had a valid reason from a dr for going on it, but if she found out i was having sex, my bf and is relationship would b over till i turn 18.


im planing on seeing a dr here soon so hopefully they can help out with this whole thing. i really want to try and avoid having my period when i go to europe next year (in april) cuz we'll b backpacking for a month (its a senior class trip) so yeah. we'll see i suppose

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