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So here's my story. I met this guy Scott at a bar a couple weeks ago. He took me out a couple times and he came over my place a few times to watch movies and stuff. Well I thougt things were going pretty smooth with us. He's a really shy guy and I'm an outgoing girl. Well he didn't call me for a few days and I saw him out a couple nights ago with his friends and he came up to me and told me that I'm a great girl but he doesn't see it going anywhere. First of all we haven't spent enough time together for him to say that. I am really confused about this. Maybe it's just the fear of rejection because it's never happened to me before. Any advice?

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yup yup yup...........i think it is just the whole rejection thing.............i mean, which in a way u might be right..........cause if yall havent spent much time together then he seriously doesnt have any reason to say it is going NOWHERE, but some people dont really want relationships, for real, cause i was like that in college (i aint no more, i am a good guy now, but i did my dirt)...............i let my true colors show to chicks, got close to them, played wit there hearts and minds, got what i wanted (u know what that is), and then fed them that same line, "i dont think it will work" - and i know i did that because i was already hurt in a prior relationship, and i just wanted to be wild, go to the bars, and hit on random chicks-----------it was wrong, i know this, it was very wrong..........but hey, i did it.............maybe he is doing that to you...............being a asshole, but u are 100% right, if u didnt bond too much, or spend much time together, then he really DOESNT know if u two arent compatible...........leave him alone, pay him no mind, and if he dont come around, oh well, it is probably for the better......................1

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well after reading what you wrote, i know it must suck, guys are so hot n cold like that sometimes. but i think you should really try your best to just let it go, because nobody can control another person's actions, and you just have to accept what's happened instead of wishing it was another way... which trust me, i know we all do over things like this! but there are guys out there who are more put together then that, and who won't leave you hanging, or make up lame excuses as to why they don't want to see you anymore. so my advice is to leave him to his lameness and feel sorry for any other girls who have to deal with him and then go out and live it up until you find someone who's ten times better!!


plus if you haven't spent that much time together, you don't really know who he is either, and how would you know if you really like him? so just assume that it wasn't meant to be and let it go, it's in the past now. maybe he will randomly call you or something but IF that happens, don't let someone who's going to be wishy washy mess you around... it's the worst!

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