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UPDATE on "Is there a possibility that i could be pregn

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Hi Playmate,


If the doctor determined you are pregnant than it is pretty likely that you are. I am not sure I know the whole situation, are you with the father of the baby? Have you discussed what you are going to do? Does your family know> Do you have their support?

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Faint positive is a positive. My pregnancy test with my now 3 year old daughter was what I consider a ghost line, it was so faint I wasn't sure I was even seeing a line. Time to figure out what you're going to do about this pregnancy.

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Those tests are pretty darn accurate. The faint line probably means either your urine was dilluted or its really early in the pregnancy.


Time for you to figure out what you want to do. And how you will support this baby. Just throwing it out there for something for you to think about.... have you thought about adoption... there are many many people desparate to have children who would be able to be great parents and good providers. Keep it in mind.

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Don't forget - the other way false positives can happen is if the lab techs switch samples on accident.


Anyways, you may want to get another one in a few weeks, maybe at a different doctor's office (different lab equipment, different workers).


But, yes, it seems likely that you may be pregnant, so I guess it's time to figure out what you want to do.


I'm sorry that you have to deal with such serious issues so young. Good luck in your decision. We are here if you need support.



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i told my aunt that i was pregnant, and she said would help me tell my mother and the rest of my family, and if worse comes to worse and my mother kicks me out i can live with my aunt...she made me an apointment for monday morning to go and get a blood test done to be absoulutly positive...and to answer ur questions....im living with my mother for right now, idk how i would support my baby my bf has a job and makes some money and i only make about 100 a week from babysitting, i think i wouldnt receive any support from my family ( not my aunt thats helping me out) because my older sister got pregnant when she was 18 and she was kicked out and its been 4 years and my family still wont talk to her...i have talked to my bf and we have desided we want to keep our baby if i am....i guess we wont know anything until monday

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my older sister got pregnant when she was 18 and she was kicked out and its been 4 years and my family still wont talk to her


I'm sorry to hear your family is so closed off to helping their children in a bind, teenage pregnancy is a crisis itself and it's a true shame when a family can't be there to help another family member in a crisis.


I'm glad you have your aunt to help you, at the least there is an adult you can turn to. Why is your family so unwilling to help your sister? Do you still talk to her?


How old is your bf? Does he live with his parents too? If you can follow one single bit of advice that anyone on here gives you... please try to stay in school. It's so important that you finish high school at the very least, so you can think about going on to college, finding a decent job, and giving your baby the things he or she needs.


You education is one of the most valuable things you will earn, and no one can ever take that away from you.


Please keep us updated on your blood test on Monday.

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my family so unwilling to help cause they worry about what other people think more than how they can help us...yes i still talk to her, my bfs 17, he lives with his father but is moving out in a month into his own apartment, dont worry about school ive already worked that out im gonna be home schooled while im pregnant and a month or 2 after the babys born then my famiyls gonna help watching the baby while i go to school...i do wanna finish school and go to college tog et a good job so i can support me and my baby..


Ill keep u guys updated

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When I used to teach high school, one of my very very best students was a single mother - at 15. She was a much better student than all the other kids who had "normal lives." I think it just motivated her all the more to work hard and study hard. She was a straight A student. Now, her family did provide a lot of support for her. Her dream is to be a doctor. I have no doubt that she'll accomplish it.


I know if you work hard, and you can find some family or friends to support you, you'll be just fine. Talk to your school, see what kinds of resources they have for teenage moms.

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my family so unwilling to help cause they worry about what other people think more than how they can help us...yes i still talk to her, my bfs 17, he lives with his father but is moving out in a month into his own apartment, dont worry about school ive already worked that out im gonna be home schooled while im pregnant and a month or 2 after the babys born then my famiyls gonna help watching the baby while i go to school...i do wanna finish school and go to college tog et a good job so i can support me and my baby..


Ill keep u guys updated


I hope your bf sticks by you...children need fathers. I'm so glad your aunt is going to help you. It may be hard, but it is going to be alright. Don't be afraid to ask for support.

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