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Does anybody have suggestions about meeting people? I'm not really in the mood or ready to be in a relationship, but i'd like to get out and at least talk to new people. My biggest problem is i'm pretty shy and unconfrontational... and its pretty easy to just become a hermit when you're afflicted with both. Is there any "easy" way to do it?

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Well, the easiest way is what you're doing right now!! ....chatting, message board hopping, etc.


Other than that, go to a place where you don't have to personally initiate conversation with someone (on your own). Try going places and participating in events/ activities where it is mandatory

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I am in the same boat you are. Wanting to get on the scene again and meet people. My sister is a pro at this.


Basically just go out lots. I attended a young adults event with my church and i met a couple new people, cute guys, to be specific. My sister last summer went out to salsa dancing by herself, political debates, well, she went to pretty much anything that interested her even if she went by herself (she spent the summer in the city with me and didn't know anyone and i worked all thetime). and she met tons of new people. She said she was a lot more approchable when she was alone too. She had like 3 different 'guy' friends that she hung out with all summer.


So keep your eye on the paper, on posters and stuff and if things come along that interest you than go! Talk to some people, say hi, introduce yourself, and force yourself to be outgoing. I have to force myself too... its soo hard but its so worth it.


Have fun!

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....chatting, message board hopping, etc.


Hehe. True, but people in person are preferred.. lol. The net is great, but for all realistic purposes, people on the net dont count except for rare occasions.


Thanks guys! I hadnt thought about watching the paper for stuff. I've been going to the pool a bit, but i'm somehow not in click with the time everyone else my ages goes there, so i end up being there when its all the elderly or the moms and their three years. Mm.. picking up soccer moms while i'm 17. whoo hoo.

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