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older woman younger man

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My boyfriend and I met over a year ago, he persued me hard til I gave in,and I think I am glad I did. Why is everyone so hung up on age differences especially with an older woman? We love one another and plan to get married in the next few years when he graduates from Nursing school. My Mother and Father Love him so much they said that I cannot come back to visit them in Minnesota without Marc. My friends seem cool with it, most have been in the same situation. His Father of course hates it, and people look at us funny and I have to admit that bothers me. I am 37 years young Marc is 21 but a very mature 21 year old He is very booksmart give Einstein a run for his money in wits ha ha. I have two teen-age boys that like him alot also, even their Father was a bit uncomfortable at first but is now coming around. I agree with the other posts that say Demi is my hero, I have been saying that for over a year now. Sure we have our ups and downs just like allcouples the same age, but we always forgive one another and tell each other I love you!!! SoI guess what I am trying to say is Whats wrong with me, Is there anything wrong with me?

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Hey Girl,


If you find that you have enough things in common with him, you have mutual love, caring, respect and trust, you are both happy and satisfied, I see nothing wrong with what you are doing. You are both adults, and so can make your own choices.


My only question is, what about children? If you two are planning to marry, does he want his own children? Are you prepared/willing/able to have more?


At age 21 he may not be really thinking about that now, but what about when he's 30, and you are 46? At that age it in unlikely you would conceive and if you did there would be a very high risk for birth defects like Down's Syndrome and others, due to the age of your eggs.


Be sure and talk this out thoroughly with him and come to a decision both of you can be happy with, and know that even if he says he does not want kids now, he may change his mind when he gets older, and you need to consider what you would be will to do about it. (adopt, etc..)

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no thers nothing wrong with you. oaky i know this doesnt compare but think high shcool years. im dating a guy a year younger then me and ppl call me pedophile lol but its like jokes wihthin my friends but still people have problems with the older girl younger guy thing. really its not a big deal, but ill say this to all posters even though you dont seem to have thsese problems but that usually age gap relatioships like that dont work out not because of the connection but because of lifestyle issues that create obstacles impossible ot overcome. for example as you said hes a very mature 21, probably is however while hes thinking about school and what not you might be thinking about kids and a job and what not. just an example. so when having a relationsihp those are issues to considerr. but really theres nothing WRONG WITH YOU. younger guys are hawt!

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Thankyou everyone i love the response alot of great information. As for the kids issue I am already fixed so I would have to go through a reversal surgery, Right now I am not wanting anymore kids. Marc is up in the air about that subject but not being pushy about it. Is there anymore relationships like mine? I would love to hear your story as well maybe even compare notes???

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Hi there...

I was seeing an older woman for 2 ½ years. I am 28 and she is 38.


she has two children and despite a lot of things the age didn't mater… We never even looked at it… Who cares and you shouldn't even be questioning it…. Who cares… you are both happy…


You could die at any moment, why die with regrets of not following your heart and being happy…

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Thankyou for your reply I have responded to your post as well. I have read your story and I am so sorry things did not work out for you. You two obviously miss one another why can't you go back to the way things were? I mis understood what went wrong, sorry if you clearly stated so. You and your two boys make a beautiful family two lil darlings huh? How old are the they? Thanks for your time

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no offense but you are 37, thats close to 40!! what is going to happen when he wants kids in 5 yrs and you wont be able to give that to him?


He is 21, still looking at chics, Im surprised he is already thinking about marriage!


Im glad you found someone to be happy about, but u guys are 16 yrs apart!! I see it as a weird relationship....same with Ashton and Demi sorry


People stare at you guys because they wonder why a guy would date someone that could be older then their own mother.

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I dont see Ashton adn Demi as weird at all now, they are a wicked coupel adn she is totlly goodlooking he is not going with out anything. It looks good on him that he and her have made a connection. This 21 an 37 year old in here DOES sound kind of weird to me...I dont know why.. here I am almost 40 adn gone out with a 22 year old for god sake but i think with that, we were really close in maturity level or something. I still feel kind of weird about it tho. I would really need to look closely at what his plans and intentions are if if were to continue. That would not be something to overlook in any relationship and similarly about what is attracting us to eachother. Is it because of a mental/soul attraction and despite his age or is it cause of his age. I mean if its because of his age and some maternal type feeling over him that is somehow sexually attractive (and that happens) like a domination thing, I mean that is an aspect of these types of relationships then it is like robbing the cradle in a way. It is kind of like a weird thing to base a relationship on. Kind of like an older man who latches on to a 21 year old chic for the sake of her age. She is not invested in it emotionally, its for convenience and for him to not realize that and still be attracted is kind of weird. If there is no emotional connection whatsoever then what the hell is it.?

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Marc and I have a mutual attraction to one another. We for the most part do not even consider us as being 16 years apart. Everyone else does in Society except for the few whom have also ventured into the wonderful age gap relationship world. He is very mature for his age, heck he works with a 60 year old man and his boss said marc is much more mature than him. He has all kinds of plans for us in the next few years.hes starting nursing school the end of August and is already extending his studies but staying in the same field. Eventually wants to be a Doctor. He wants to learn all he can about the medical field. Take care of me and give me my every desire. All the surgery that Demi had done I can get done also if I want. Which I want.... what woman wouldn't? Thanx for your reply I appreciate your opinion. Take care

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I hear you on it. The 'attraction' is mutual and if you both want that out of the relationship and that sustains it then fine. I am a super picky and analytical person myself and have to take everything down to the root truth. This is usually a problem in relationships!! this guy i like is a similar type tho so we'd have to get right down to some stuff to make it possible. We are attracted to eachothers looks i think. I think he looks like Joey Ramone. I look a bit like Demi myself ..haha... i have gone ahead with some surgery in terms of facial piercings...

its all good. This poor guy I like would have to handle the whole situation tho as I absolutely dont have a clue. Good luck to you also, I truly dont judge anyone I just like giving my oppinions!

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Did Demi have a bunch of surgery??

She really didnt need to in my oppinion. I think she jumped the gun on it. She looked really good and I dont think her looking her self would have made any difference to how their relationship appeared. She was still attractive and he still wnated to be with her. There is too much pressure on women. If you are in the same physical condition as eachother and stuff that shoudl be good enough isnt it? Why doesnt the guy get age-enhanced and add a few lines to his appearance. Shave off a bald spot.

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