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hello everyone


yesterday morning i was awake around 4 I was woken up b a sore throat, back ache, locked nose and a pounding head ache. When I dropped off I tossed and turned.


I didn't eat anything yesterday all I did was drink. When I got out of bed it was an absolute effort to stand up before I felt like fainting. I just stayed in bed the whole day slept. I couldn't do anything else. My friend told me to have a Lemsip (it's a lemon drink you make with hot water and it's really good for flu symptoms) and she told me to add a drop of whisky. Well I didn't have any lemsips so I made a an ordinary orange juice with a bit of my dads 'Jack Daniels'


I did start to feel better but I couldn't drink it al because the whisky was bit too strong for my liking


This morning I was awake around 5:00am and felt better. No aches or pains. I just feel really hot and I have a slight stomach ache but nothing major. I'm still not up for eating.


My mum said it was probably my body winding down after all my exam work but I'm not so sure. I just wondered if it's natural to feel poorly like this. It's horrible


It's taken my 45 mintes to write this post. I have had to keep stopping for breaks!



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I find that when you go through a stressful time, your body gets weaker immunity, so you probably came down with a virus of some sort. Best is to get some rest, don't eat too much, and watch a funny movie. If it doesn't keep getting better soon, get to a doctor. Feel better soon!

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I have to admit I feel heaps better than yesterday but I still feel run down. I have to rest every 15 minutes, It's taken my 1 hour just to make my bed. I was in bed all day yesterday. I'm not use to being so restless. I'm usually a lot more active.


hmm ... Mrs Doubtfire is on in an hour. I think I'll watch that!



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I hope it's not a serious virus. I have felt crap for the last two days. I didn't eat anything yesterday, I only I drank a strawberry milkshake for my throat.


Today I managed to eat a couple of chips, a bit of soup and a yoghurt. I can't eat anything else. Should I continue with the whisky? Do you think coffee will be okay?



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I'd advise you to drink as much water as you can and maybe herbal/fruit tea would be better for you than coffee. I'm sure you'll start to feel better soon, don't try to rush it. If you're still not feeling better by the end of the week I would advise that you go to the doctor so that he/she can do a blood test to rule out glandular fever which can also be brought on by stress.


I'm sure you'll be fine, try to eat some soup or something

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Thanks for the advice. I'm getting my mum to pick me up some herbal tea.


I just want to feel normal and energetic again. I'm not used to feeling groggy and run down so I don't know how to calm down or rest. I am better than yesterday, much better. I just feel like my whole body is shutting down.



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