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Need help on asking out my best friend

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I knew my bestfriend for 3 years. i knew how i felt for her since that day. the thing is she always comes to me for advice about different guys. it hurts me to answer her back but i rather see her happy than get hurt. in september of last year is when we had our first big fight but to me it juss made me have more feelings for her i also found out she had liked me but at that time i was involved. so early january i finally asked her to be my girl and she turned me down sayin im too good of a friend and she scared of breakin the friendship. i tried for months to forget about the fact to ask her out but juss 2 days ago i saw her and we talked andwe were cuddling but wen i went to kiss her cheeks she moved. but cuz of that day my feelings came back and now im wanting for her to be my girl more than ever. what or how should i ask her to be my girl.

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personally, I don't think it's a very good idea. Me and a best friend of mine tried it once, and after we broke up we never talked again. it was just way too weird to hang out afterwards

you should ask yourself if ure friendship is more important and is going out with her really worth the risk of never being friends again?

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thanks monkey i agree with u and i understand taotally of wat ur sayin. but i feel everything is goin so good and i feel its right that i need more replies to convinve me not to. im takin ur idea into consideration though so thanks.

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trust me man if u want to be friends with her then u wouldn't want to ask her to be your girl because it will be way to weird. that is what happened to me, it just got too weird and akward and my "ex" and i don't talk to each other at all. its not a nice feeling when u lose the women u love AND your bestfriend...

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