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Hi everyone


I would love to hear from anyone who has or has had meniere's or long term vertigo... anyone who has had long term dizziness. I have had severe dizziness for 2 years (undiagnosed for a long time now diagnosed as meniere's with a touch of CFS thrown in). I would like to hear from people that have had something similar and find out how others have dealt with this and managed it to maintain their independance. I had a corporate job and a busy life before this and now i cant work and feel like i'm a little kid dependant on others again. So hate that! It is always helpful to her others stories that relate in someway and hear about their journey.

Thank you and good health and happiness to you all.

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I'm sorry to hear about this. It must feel really incapacitating. I had viral vertigo last summer, which came on suddenly at work, I felt like I was surfing on the floor and had to lie down it was awful.


I was driven to the doctor and prescribed meclizine, which while it helps with the dizziness, makes you very sleepy and unable to do much of anything. Fortunately my vertigo lasted only a few days, I can't imagine being paralyzed for 2 years this way!


Do you take medication that successfully manages your symptoms, with minimal side effects? Are you able to drive? What is the long term prognosis for something like this? Are you able to work, even from home?

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