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'playing the game' surely can't go on forever


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met a girl a few weeks ago at a party. her friend says she IS fond and likes me a lot. From what i know of her i like her a lot too and would really like to get to know her. We have exchanged a few txt messages but nothing in depth as yet. since meeting we've both been 'playing the game' - playing hard to get, not txting each other back immediately after one-another, not-giving too much away, not being available all the time, not giving away feelings etc etc....basically the flirting scenario as we know it.


whats annoying though is its going on far too long. im not the world best flirter so why cant it be as simple as her liking me and me liking her and lets get on with it and get to know each other - before one of us just forgets the while thing. i understand nothings going to happen over night but this is stupid - if her mates are still saying she likes me then whats the problem? i know the world of flirting is always going to be a part of meeting and getting to know your desired one but surely it cant go on forever, im an open person who can express my feelings, why cant she. im getting impatient and tired of waiting.

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well... to be honest, she's probably thinking the same thing about you.... wondering why you haven't asked to see her again, etc. If she's like me, I expect the guy to make the first move. I will help him out a bit, hint, and be really flirty, but under normal circumstances I won't ask him to hang out... I figure he'll ask me when he's ready. Why don't YOU stop playin the game? Don't text her, CALL HER. Say, " Look, you seem like a great girl, and I'd love it if we could get to know each other. Maybe we can hang out some time?" and go from there. She might just be holding back to let you make the moves....

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No, games cannot go on forever, and it also can't ALWAYS be a case of both playing hard to get. If you both do, then you never "get", right?


It should be more of a push-pull scenario, where you provide emotional fulfillment but remain independent and aloof.


Are you sure she is playing the game, and not just unsure of what she wants? Either case, if she is playing games, do you really *want* that if she is one to keep going at it? Will she be this way when you get (if you get) more involved too?


How about you stop playing games and contributing to the problem? Call her, ask her out again (no text message) and if she still plays hard to get and does not accept a new date, tell yourself you don't need someone who will play games and move on. If you want a relationship with her, you are going to have to meet her more often in person and not play silly text message games, why are you 'waiting' for her as you stated, why don't you just try and go out and get her, and see her reaction, and then make your decisions based on how open to meeting again she seems or not.

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Yeah.. i agree with shorty.. the guy should always make the first move unless the girl just wants to be the aggressor. However.. contrary to what alot of guys say.. when a girl does this... the guy doesn't like it or respects her or whatever.. Call it social conditioning.. call it in the genes.. heck.. i don't know.. but just the way THINGS are..

For god's sake.. call her.. you like her.. step up to the plate and TELL her. Maybe she thinks that you don't like her with all this wishy washy stuff.

Good luck. don't wait.. life is short!

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