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dilema need help, breaking N/C

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hi all,


I have a dilema and need help,


my previous post is this as a background: link removed


she has not contacted me since we split 2 1/2months ago,

i love her and her daughter, want them back,

I have N/C for about a month now, no texts etc - she didnt reply to them anyway.


should I break it and text her, and if so wot do I put just, nothing heavy, justa few words.

I think she is on a planned holiday to spain this week.


I miss her

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What do you think is going to happen if you contact her?


Do you really think she is ready to get back together? You've been doing NC for quite awhile and she hasn't contacted you...


The point of NC is to try and get on with your own life, though some use it to try and get their exes to contact them out of curiosity...


Since obviously that didn't work, don't you think you would be setting your own healing back by calling her?

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It seems that she has moved on, because she has not contacted you.

So maybe you should move on as well. I agree with Hope, NC is for yourself, and you should be using it to move on with your life..

if you use it for something it's not meant for, it probably won't help you out too well.


Do what you think is right for your situation though, none of us can help you with this, you know what she's like. How do you think she'll react to you if you leave her a short message, or a few words.


Go with your gut, and tell us what you choose.

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I disagree with everyone. You should at some point contact her so you know 100% what is going on. I mean, don't contact her to demand to know answers


However, how it ended should determine the amount of time. Amicably? Then give it a couple of more weeks. It could be on her mind too but she may be afraid to contact you (this happened with my roommate). However, if there is no indication of a desire for a return to the relationship, then you have to realize that it's over. A friend of mine won't stop calling her ex even though they stayed friends for awhile. He won't talk to her, she looks desperate.

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I know how you feel...we need to be strong. I am in any moment about to break NC. I feel very weak too. I guess, we can keep each other motivated somehow. I miss him sooooooo much. What can we do? Just keep writing on this forum, write to your self, keep busy. You work so hard for 2 1/2 months, why go back. I am only in my 2nd week, and I feel sooooo weak. I need help.

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thankyou for all your advice, i do take it all on board, however difficult the stuff I dont wanna hear lol !!


its frustrating to know that she didnt even fall out of love with me!


just finding it all very difficult at mo, the missing her, the N/C.

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