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who does this!!

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My ex Eddie called me, we were talking about his work and how he'll be comin up to see me soon....and I know it sounds pathetic but when we hung up....I was jumpin up and down for 20 mins...I was so happy. I mean who does that....im actin like a 10 year old in love! Its just I care about him so much....and I want him back so bad. I mean is this how you get back an ex....wait for them to call....give them space? Help me

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Well, he did call you to tell you he was coming back to town, that means he has been thinking about you, unless you guys are still really good friends after the break up, but you still know that he thinks about you, and when you get all dressed up nice and pretty, and you see him, talk to him like your normal "how was it" "how are you doing" kinda thing and when you find the time is right, explain to him how you feel, the worst that could happen is he could say no im sorry i dont want to get back together, but youll still be friends. Just, b4 he get back in town call him and tell him, i miss you and i cant wait to see you and whatnot.

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