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Fetish and masturbation

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I am 18, and around 2 to 3 times a week, I masturbate over images/stories of foot worship and shoe worship, I have being doing this since I was 15 (not a frequently though), my question is, how can I tell if I have become dependant on my fetish or not (what are the signs), and if I have, how do I reverse the dependancy? Also, does this make it less likely to have sex with a woman? And where can I get advice?



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Well nigel you working it I must say.


But masturabation is ok and this means that when you are making love to a female that you would not be a afraid or back down. 2 -3 times a day means that your are horny is hell and that you have nothing else to do. But 2-3 times a week is quit ok. For a man your age that is expected. Where you can get help is from your private doctor or ask your father if both of you have a good relationship. But please stop watching the videos and looking at the books. You should only feel like that when you and your girl is alone together. OK


Nigel have a nice day.

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Well when you get a gf, tell her you wanna blind fold her so you can surprise her with some 'kinky' underwear. What you do is put some underwear on her that make her vagina look like a huge foot. You can do the same to your self if you wish. Then when she takes the blindfold off, start having raunchy sex with each other. If your worried about her seeing foot shaped underwear, just get her drunk before hand, or use a date-rape drug

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Dude, that is the worst advice I have ever seen on this place... The date rape drug?? That dude should be arrested just for mentioning it. Obviusly he's such a f*ing loser that he can't get women to be with him w/o having to drug them and rape them. I'm glad to see rapists are starting to post messages. Are the child molestors next?!?!

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Hello Nigel


Take it from an old guy,(48) if thinking about feet and shoes is the ONLY way you can get excited, then yes you my have a problem. If you just think about it every now and then, dont worry. When I was your age I thought about all kinds of stuff. Some people like big breast, some like long legs, long hair,short, tall, big, small..etc....

When mastubating, its not uncommon for all sorts of thoughts to go through your head. I still think about all sorts of things. I think you just happen to be turned on by womens feet. Thats ok because women like that. I dont think you have ANYTHING to worry about. Your normal.....



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