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Trying to ask her out...

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Hey guys/gals,


You might remember my last post,


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Turns out things aren't as smooth as I'd hoped, I just can't seem to pull myself together enough to ask her out...


She seems kinda rough around the edges when we talk, I don't think she sees me as someone who would ask her out which kinda worries me.... I can never seem to lead the conversation to suggesting that we get together sometime. Any advice?

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i dont see what advice your asking for..is it what to say? if so... bring up a good movie coming out and ask if she wants to see it? anything like that.. if she says no...watch for something that she wants to do it some other time, if she doesnt ask to go somewhere another time then that could just be an excuse to not go and she wants to let you down lightly.. if this isnt what you wanted to know then re post well i hope this helps you

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Try another approach.

Maybe come off as mysterious or something, if she's not opening up with you, don't open up with her, keep her guessing..

and ALWAYS be happy around her, at least for the beginning, because no girl wants to be around a downer.


Just show her what she'd be missing if she didn't go out with you.

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also you dont want to look desperate.. if you look like you are trying to hard well actually i read this in an ebook... dont try! dont act anything different than you would with any other friend, she could end up getting attracted to you more..as for asking her out the movie thing i just said would work and many other like it

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Hey sorry if it was vague to start off with.


Yeah heloladies21 I'm pretty sure she has closed the door on me, i think that was what was confusing me! Is it still too late to ask her out, do you think?


We're good friends I don't want to crap things up...


Thanks for the advice so far! 8)

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