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I need help to stop cutting any suggestions?!?!?!

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Forget what your mom says then if that's accurate. If she doesn't care about it, sadly she might then have some serious problems of her own, if that would be the case here. If you know it's wrong, that's a great start in trying to make yourself better in the future. Goodluck

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thanks so much for all the suggestions but when i get mad every1 better get out of the way or they will get hurt, ya know? so i guess instead of trying to kill some one else i just "kill" myself. i have a really bad temper........ like my step dad only not that bad. i am also anerexic b/c im afraid im going to look like my mom when i get older. stupid i know but ya. and i know this is no excuse but my dad died when i was 10 right in front of my face then like 5 months ago his police dog he left with me died so it is kind of like my entire life is falling apart and i just dont know what to do.

about the "get help" part ive tried but the only way i can get help is if my mom will wake up and care about me so she can get me into some kind of counceling but... she doesnt care and probably never will

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  • 1 month later...



We just found this on the forum.


Alot of people suggested that you get help, meaning talking to a new and better therapist.


I think it could change your life in a good way.


It sounds like you really want to stop, but just don't know how to go about it. Someone who is trained in helping you understand why you cut in the first place, and then how to change your mind set and find alternate ways to deal with stress and anger could be a very good thing for you.


What do you think about it?


You know we care about you but that there is only so much that we can do. Do you want to get some help and learn to stop?



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That's right. You opened up and talked to us, and we aren't even trained to handle a situation like yours.


One bad therapist doesn't mean they are all like that. If you found the right one I think it would help you alot.


After all that you have been through, you need to learn to find a way to come to terms with it and to handle it the right way so that you can be happy and not have these fits of anger and self destruction.

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It might be like test driving a car. You have to go and try one out, talk to them, and see if you feel comfortable there. You may try a few before you find the one that suits you best, and that's OK.


The important thing is that you feel comfortable with them. If you feel as though you can't share and be honest with them-- they aren't going to be able to help you.

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