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My boyfriend of 9 months and I were talking about peoples physical features. He came out and told me that i was an 8 out of 10. I know he was just being honest and 8 isnt really bad but it kind of hurt my feelings that he just came out of nowhere and didnt give me the highest number. Hes always told me i was the most beautiful person in the world but when he said i was only about an 8 it just made my confidence drop. I can understand if i asked him to rate but i didnt he just told me.


And another question how long does it take after the first time you have sex for it to stop hurting?

we've had sex about 10 times so far.....

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well hunny, 8 ia not bad....its pretty high....my ex gave me an 8 out of 10....at least he didnt just say 10 to make me happy. and well with sex it can hurt a few times....but soon it will stop hurtin it took me 6 times for it to stop and still sometimes it hurts

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I think 8 out of ten is really good! If he had said 10, you would know he isnt telling the whole truth. and no matter how beautiful he thinks you are, no one is a perfect 10. Everyone has something. Be it a little to big nose, funny fingernails, or whatnot... Not even the best movie stars with 10 tons of makeup can make a perfect 10.


Ask him is there anyone who is a perfect 10 in his book? You at 8 might top his list. He probably thought that you would be flattered he rated you so high. And he might even rate you higher but was either trying to get you to say whre you rate him, or he thought if he said 10, you wouldnt believe him.


I would rather be told i am an 8, if its his true feelings, than told a 10 falsly



I forgot to add, about the sex, if you arent aroused enough that can make it hurt sometimes. Or it could be the way he is doing it. Might just take your body a few times to get used to it though

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Congratulations! 8 out of 10 is a fantastic "score". You must be very beautiful indeed. In all the decades I have been "scoring" the looks of the opposite sex (I am sure everyone does it, even if they won't admit to it), I have only "awarded" even a 9 to one person. And that scoring includes everyone I have ever seen, regardless of whether I know then personally or they are a popular movie star or whatever. I've never seen a 10 in my eyes ever. To me, anyone 6 or more is really quite attractive to me and 7 or more are in highly attractive category. Oh, and my "9" went to Audrey Hepburn for what it is worth.

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I think the 9's and 10's are reserved for the unattainables. The airbrushed models and actresses and Porn Stars. Those people are fake, without their makeup and personal trainers and airbrushed legs, they're all 8's too, or even less. Be glad that you're an 8 naturally, or if it makes you feel better, ask him what would make a 10. But don't go breaking your neck to be that...he seems happy with you as you are.

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wow an 8 is good. yeah I would rather have the truth then have them sugar coat it for me you know??? that means he is telling you the truth and wants you to trust him. If someone said I was a 10 even if I was freaking anelina jolie if they said I was a 10 I would think they were sucking up and not tellign the truth. although angelina jolie imo is like the most gourgeous person on earth. lol.


about the sex thing If you aren't comfortable doing it like some have said already, you either aren't arroused or aren't comfortable, maybe scared about something while doing it then It will not be comfortable. When I did it the first time I was comfortable and loved the person and it didn't hurt, then like 1 year later when I was with someone I was forced to be with and was scared and not comfortable or aroused It hurt a lot.

Also if you have never been fingered or anything before then it could hurt your first time so I have heard.

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just wanted to add since i agree with all the other posters no need to go on as i usually do lol but WHAT IS IT ABOUT BFS GIVING EIGHTS TO US! my bf/ex watever he is gave me a 9 wen we were like IN LOVEEE and and 8 now like after we broke up. but that said wen we were head over heels in luv he gave me a 9 not a perfect 10. again same thing, it would be a lie! and honestly i wud give him a 9 (still!!)

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Well, an eight's alright but if a guy is smart he'll at least say a 10. Or better, he'll say a 11, a 100, or off the scales. And he'll mean it to. If you have a girlfriend, why would you be comparing her to other girls? Don't these guys know that they should be making the girl feel like the most important and beautiful girl alive.

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I read somewhere once that our perception of physical beauty can fluctuate according to hormone levels. Well, that at least appeared to be the case in a study of female perceptions of males. Apparently at "that" time of the month, a female rates very masculine, rugged, features in males more highly, whereas at other times, they prefer "softer", more feminine attributes in males.

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Well, an eight's alright but if a guy is smart he'll at least say a 10. Or better, he'll say a 11, a 100, or off the scales. And he'll mean it to. If you have a girlfriend, why would you be comparing her to other girls? Don't these guys know that they should be making the girl feel like the most important and beautiful girl alive.


I wouldn't be doing that. Sure, I would say they are beautiful and I would mean it, but rate them off the scale like that? Even the most intellectually challenged female teenager could see through that sort of charade. She'll just know the flatterer is saying things to impress her and more than likely she will think he would say exactly the same thing to his next girlfriend. I think overrating someone's looks is even a bigger turn off than giving them an "average" score.

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wouldn't be doing that. Sure, I would say they are beautiful and I would mean it, but rate them off the scale like that? Even the most intellectually challenged female teenager could see through that sort of charade. She'll just know the flatterer is saying things to impress her and more than likely she will think he would say exactly the same thing to his next girlfriend. I think overrating someone's looks is even a bigger turn off than giving them an "average" score


Not true. It's all in how you say it. Girls are very perceptive, they can spot when someone is just saying it or if the guy is being sincere about it. As long as your being sincere, its a great thing and girls like it. Girls like to hear they are beautiful. As cheesy as it sounds at times, they like to be flattered. I've told plenty of girls who think they are average that they are way above average, and they've all liked hearing and tell me how sweet I am. It makes them feel good and has attracted them to me, though thats never been the intent.


The key is to be honest. Recognize that they as an individual are beautiful and have many attractive features and qualities. Hey, you can even try a combo platter and say something like this your not beautiful in a supermodel way, but then i've never really found models all that attractive. your a 10 in my eyes." I've said that before, and she liked it.

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Maybe he finds you less attractive because you are having sex. I remember an interesting study that we looked in my psychology class, and it showed that after having sex, guys who have had a lot of sexual experience before tend to rate their girlfriend's attractiveness lower. So before sex, they see thier girlfriend as attractive, but after sex they see their girlfriend as less attractive. Having sex makes them see thier girlfriend as less attractive. However, this only applies to guys who have had a lot of sexual experience before, and this might not apply to your boyfriend.


This is the study that described this phenomenon:


Haselton, M.G., & Buss, D.M. (2001). The affective shift hypothesis: The functions of emotional changes following sexual intercourse. "Personal Relationships" Volume 8 Pages 357-369

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Having sex makes them see thier girlfriend as less attractive.


Add that to the list of reasons to wait for sex. Seems to me that sharing such an experience would make her more attractive.


definitely no. it's basic supply and demand. the more often a guy has sex with a girl, the more indifferent he is to it. the less he has sex with a girl, the more he wants it. and if he definitely wants it more if he hasn't had sex with her yet.

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Having sex makes them see thier girlfriend as less attractive.


Rofl. XDDDDDDDDDDdd I have to show this to my friend.


They should put that up on all of those "WAIT FOR SEX" things that they give girls at school.. No one seems to care about how theres a "risk" of getting an STD or pregnant, but hey, if it'll make their manwhroe of a boyfriend see them as less attractive... ;P I should show this to my friend.

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Without looking at the study, I can venture a guess as to why. Guys who would be having sex with several girls are probably not the kind to see the full beauty of the moment anyways. And each successive times becomes less special to them because it becomes "just sex." So everything about the experience is lessened, including the girls attractiveness.


Also, there is probably some level of guilt on behalf of the guy. Something within him may be yearning for more, but he turns that frustration outward and onto the girl. Find fault in others to avoid facing faults in you.


Of course, this is just a guess, not like I'm an expert.


But regardless of if you have had sex lots of times before, a few times, or zero times, it shouldn't be something that makes a person less attractive. If it does then the relationship was doomed form the start. Sex should serve to bring two people together, unite them and bring them closer.

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it just happens that after you have had sex with a few different girls, you can more objectively judge how good the sex was. Most guys with their first girl friend who haven't seen anything else will still just want to have sex with her as much as possible.


Think of it as riding a bicycle or something. You get your first bike, and it's mediocre, but it's the only bike you've ridden and you enjoy riding it, so you think that it's great. After a while, if you've ridden heaps of bikes, you get a fairer idea of how good each of them was. And you'll always remember the first time!

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