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timing and fallin in love

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is 8 - 12 months too long to fall in love?

I feel it often takes me this long.

but does anyone else?

everyone says when im with someone like 6 months and im not in love yet that i prob wont fall in love with this guy BUT ive noticed in past with 2 rships i did, but it took awhile.

how long has it taken you guys?

has it taken anyone else longer then like 7 months? and if u did were u wondering if you would ever fall in love with them or do u htink this is quite ok and normal?

thanks guys

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I think this depends on the person. For some it takes longer to develop a connection and fall in love; for others it's no time at all. I guess it really depends on the people and how well they fit together and get along.

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Hey my former science teacher first met her current husband when she was 13, but they were together 11 years ago just as friends before they formally started dating each other. And once they started to date, it took them another 4 years to get married. The good thing is that the longer you are with someone, the more time you get to truly know their character, and whether or not they are the right person for you.

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Everyone is different.... I personally believe that "falling in love" is simply a state of mind... From the very beginning you either have the ability to love someone, or you don't....


Sometimes it just takes longer to realize it, accept it, understand it. It seems we always know immediately when we aren't compatible with someone but for some reason it's hard to accept that we can also know immediately if we are compatable.... ie, this is someone that I can and will love.


But, as I said, each to their own.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok....this isn't an EXPERT opinion, but I have heard men and womens timing are different when it comes to "falling in love".

Women always put more into and expect more EARLIER in a "relationship" whereas men tend to hold back emotionally a lot longer.

For instance, when a woman is dating a man she REALLY likes, she is more likely to expect him to call a lot...like everyday or a few times a week, and if a couple days go by ..that seems like few weeks to her. The opposite is true for men...a couple weeks is more like a couple days to him. So he doesn't usually understand why the girl might get upset if she hasn't heard from him. I think this is JUST as true as how fast men and women fall in "love". I think it's VERY rare that the timing is exactly the same on both sides.

What do you all think?

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