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Lesbians wearing business skirt suits

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I've mentioned in other posts about the woman that I like in work and I feel that she has been flirting with me...well anyway, I noticed that she is wearing professional type skirt suits to work. Some are just above the knee length and she will also wear a plain skirt that comes to the mid to lower calf area with a low heeled pump. In her casual dress she seems to wear golf shirts and khakkis (pants or shorts), never ever wears make up except for maybe foundation here and there. This question may be stupid, but to Lesbians wear skirts wear skirt suits and pumps like that?

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I agree that you can't tell someone's sexual orientation by the way they look. I do know a few lesbians who dress more masculine and are into golf and wear khakis and polos. I do know of one lesbian who would wear skirts to work, usually long ones down to mid-calf and then leisurely she would wear jeans, polos, khakis.


Okay, now you are OVER-analyzing the situation!!! You just need to ask her to hang out or meet up or something to find out if she dates women. You just need to do it.

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Thanks, I agree with you all!!


Ballys, It's funny because even when she's in a skirt suit with a low pump, she still doesn't wear any makeup or carry a purse. Then other days if she's in a pantsuit or khakkis, she looks more masculine but not butchy. I'm gonna use that hoagie line tomorrow and I'll go from there.

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