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All my life... every single year that ends. I've felt that it was a loss of time. I mean, besides school, I do pretty much nothing. It's my life, to study 24/7 but this summer, at least I'm working (on community service hours, which is not much, but it's better than nothing). And well, I used to think it was normal that at the end of the year I'd feel kinda bad. But this time i realized that I wish I had done more. Besides the few ppl I know from school, I know almost nobody else. And besides what I do there, I feel like I've got no talents. And yesterday, before falling asleep (which took me a while, cause I was thinking about this) I decided from now on I would work on changing this. It's just so hard... I've been going on about how I want to start a band since like a month back... so, I started taking guitar lessons and I've been getting a little better at it. But now my parents want me to study over the summer, lol, ridiculous (to some, I hope...), I know. I'd rather practice more guitar. I'm so scared now that all this stuff I didn't have to do but I've gotten myself into (stuff like going to this technology forum I didn't really want to go, but I accepted cause I wanted to do it for my parents...) will take it's toll on my commitment to prepare to make my next and last year in highschool the best... I wanted to change and try a new approach on things, but it's hard, and I no longer know where to start some of it... I'm so sorry, I guess this is a rant too... I tried man. I tried and again I'm losing faith. Best wishes.

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I think we all feel this way at one point or another. The same things ran through my head two years ago. I felt like I wasnt good at anything and all I really did was go to school. What helped me is getting involved in different things. I took up volleyball and met many new people, including one of my best friends. Plus there are practices after school and summer camps, so I always have something to do. Guitar sounds like a good idea, just keep up with it and don't give up. Before you know it you'll be able to play and maybe start a band or just meet new people with the same interests as you. It could be hard at first, but it's really fun once you get in the swing of things. Just dont get discouraged. You still have a year of school to try and get involved in sports, clubs, or other activities, and after that, college. Lots of new people there.

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Hey - this might help, see I used to feel the same way about life, that I'm not really getting anywhere, that I'm not really very successful, etc, and just recently I was redoing my resumes and stuff, and I looked back, and I am amazed at how much was accomplished over the last 5 years...


You are still very young, it will take one step at a time to get to the place you want to be, everythings not just going to happen at once, it takes small steps to get to bigger places. Its good that you are learning guitar - that is the first thing - so keep working on things - manageable things - try not to do too much at once! When you find yourself accomplishing something and ready to move on to something more, make new goals and start working on something else. Then after awhile it all just falls into place. Good luck!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I feel as though I am in a very similar rut Dead Eyes. I have no talents, I wasted my highschool education, and here I am at 20 years of age and still have the same attitude. Although I have picked up the guitar about 2 years back, and I have definitely imrpoved immensely, but that's all I want to do. However, I do not regret spending the time that I have on the guitar, infact I don't know if I would have come this far without it. I want to change this way of thought but, like you say, It's hard and I have no idea where to start. I think we will find the right path... I guess everyone finds it differently.

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