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is she a real friend?

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i am not sure that my *friend* lets call her... agatha... is really a friend.


first off for the 2 years i've known her, i don't feel that she really respects me at all. every so often, she makes fun of how i'm shy and how i do not really talk to anyone. example: just today she was like .. "oh maybe you should get a cell phone, like one of those small plans for 40 bucks. because you don't really talk at all." and also, me "hey lets catch up on what we've been doing this summer", her: "um.. whats there to catch up on you don't have anything to say".


for all the time i've known her for, she makes fun of me a good amount, whether on my appearance or personality or anything. one time i shaved my head and when she saw she said "omg your so ugly, don't even talk to me". most of the time i don't feel comfortable being around her, because she'll say something mean. she even makes fun of my art in art class, like "i don't think you'll pass the ap test (send artwork to be judged) i mean, lets be frank, it sucks."



then again, i know that she confides very deeply in me. she tells me basically everything about her, and wants us to be "best friends forever". she sort of clings to me at school, always the one to approach me. she does have a lot of problems, she goes around drinking, smoking, messign around with guys, sneaking out at night. i remember one time she almost killed herself over some guy who she messed around with but they got into a fight. but i know all this because she has a lot of trust in me.


i've gotten very depressed over her comments and the feeling i get being around her. i can say that i'm sort of shy, i am not always hanging around with friends like she does. i have just graduated from highschool and hope that college will provide me some good friends. yet she makes me feel inferior because i feel like i should always be hanging out with people/ have tons of friends. i don't like the people in highschool and i hate the feeling of being socially inferior to her. i know i'll make some friends in college, but i feel pressured to hang out with people all the time right now.


is she a real friend? or should i not even bother with her..?


any comments greatly appreaciated, thanks : )

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friend ( P ) Pronunciation Key (frnd)


A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts.

A person whom one knows; an acquaintance.

A person with whom one is allied in a struggle or cause; a comrade.

One who supports, sympathizes with, or patronizes a group, cause, or movement


Okay this is just a definition that was in an online dictionary. Get the idea? My definiton of friendship is somthing where comfort, trust, appreciation, and encouragement are mutual. A friend wont' hurt you intentionally.


Don't feel bad though. I feel like I am a quiet person..an introvert or what have you, but I have friends that are both quiet and loud! The thing is, we have all those elements mentioned above, and that's what counts as a true friendship!! Be patient. You'll find some good friends. If not 'some', then one TRUE friend is just as lovely. Remember QUALITY not QUANTITY

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