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hi im a 23 y old guy and i had a relationship for almost five years with a girl i still love.

But last monday she came home verry late, told me she had feelings 4 someone else and that i had to go back to my mother's place to sleep t'ill friday.After she told that to me, she went downstairs to study some more and didn't came back upstairs. So the next day she already was gone when i got up. And i had to go back to my mothers place (bweirk )

so the next two days i don't here anything from her, and the only thing i know is that she has feelings for someone else.But i had no idea who or how long or what was going to happen.She said we would talk on friday.

Yesterdayevening(wednesday)she came online with msn, and told me that it's over between us!She told me who the other guy was, and she told me that she don't want to loose me as a friend, because five years ain't nothing. But she also told me that the time that i was home alone with all my questions, that she stayed with that other guy and that she felt for him becaus he sended her a lot of sweet sms messeges and that that was the cause that she felt for him.

So what happened for me? First i got to hear that from one second to another, that i have to leave the house, and that she don't want to see me anymore 'till friday.Next she left me two days without letting something know from herself, she didn't answered my calles or sms. And yesterdayevening she tells me through MSN that our relationship is completely over and that i have to go get my stuff as soon as possible. I don't know if this is only my opinion, but i think that this is not a correct way to tell all that to someone u love(d), is it?

She told me she melted 4 him because of the smsses, but that everything still can chenge. And because i still love her with all my body, i want to do everything i can to get her back. Right now, i think it's better to let everything cool down for a while. but i'll do anything to get her with me again.

So now i wonder what orthers think of it, and if u have ANY suggestions (to get her back or to not loose her), please tell me!!


Greetz broken heart wimmie

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Firstly, what she did was despicable. To not even have the guts to tell you in person shows a total lack of respect. If you have done nothing to deserve this treatment, then hold your head up, and leave her alone. No contact at all. Easier said than done, but the more you pursue her, the further away she'll get. If she loves you and misses you, she'll come back to you. If she does though, make sure that she understands clearly that you'll accept nothing short of total commitment and honesty while you're together. If she doesn't come back, then hopefully by then you'll have found happiness in yourself, outside of the relationship, and come out of it a much stronger person.


Best of luck!!

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she said it was better to tell me like this, becaus i, and she prob too, wouldnt be strong enough to talk about it in real life.She said we would end up crying together.But then again, first she said we would talk friday, and now she is gone from friday till mondaymorning with het uncle and his friends(the guy she fell on is a friend of her uncle).So now she sais we'll see when we meet again, but i really don't want to loose u.

In the night that has passed after she told me, i made a drawning of her, and i wrote a letter to explain how i felt on that moment.I didnt gave her the drawning but i did left het the letter. The next day i called her, but because i was so insecure of what was going to happen after a while i started crying.

Yesterday, she said the letter was a good way, and helped a bit, but the call only worked the opposite way. So now i only can wait. i planned to put roses on her bed with on every rose a reason why i love her, but now i'm not going to do that. I think i only can cool it down and hope she 'll call me

Firstly, what she did was de*beep*able. To not even have the guts to tell you in person shows a total lack of respect. If you have done nothing to deserve this treatment, then hold your head up, and leave her alone. No contact at all. Easier said than done, but the more you pursue her, the further away she'll get. If she loves you and misses you, she'll come back to you. If she does though, make sure that she understands clearly that you'll accept nothing short of total commitment and honesty while you're together. If she doesn't come back, then hopefully by then you'll have found happiness in yourself, outside of the relationship, and come out of it a much stronger person.


Best of luck!!

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I think you should leave her alone. No contact whatsoever. And maybe that will give her time to decide what she really wants. Giving her space to think is the best right now. Being her face, when she so obviously wants that will only harder her resolve. So just wait it out and she may come around!


Good Luck!


Take care

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wel, i gave het time, but she almost was all the time with this other guy. When she got home(late) she had to study 4 her exams. Now that i'm left, she's even home later, so i think she's with him more often. But when she's with him, she only forgets me more, and prob likes him more, or am i completely wrong in this?

I think you should leave her alone. No contact whatsoever. And maybe that will give her time to decide what she really wants. Giving her space to think is the best right now. Being her face, when she so obviously wants that will only harder her resolve. So just wait it out and she may come around!


Good Luck!


Take care

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