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do not expect thing of people

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I was told this from a family member, to me it is an interesting comment.

Personally i have expectation of people that mean something to me. The people that i love and care for i do have an expectation of, my expectation is that they care and appreciate me for what and who i am, they will return the love i offer them and at times love me even though i dont show i love them, BUT thats me.

I really am finding it hard to not have any expectation of friends.

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A while ago my dad told me something along the lines of: trust no one and you wont be hurt, dont expect anything from people and you wont be dissappointed. I found it to be true in most cases. It is hard, however, to not expect something from people close to you. I guess no matter what happens that little expectation will always be there, you know?


To me, I have to have some sort of expectations as well, because it's hard not to. Sometimes its a double edged sword; but sometimes taking a risk is necessary to find out how people really are. In my opinion if you dont trust anyone, you become a cold and lifeless soul, and a lonely one.

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Expectations is something you can have of people who are very very close to you, even then you have to be careful about it. Sometimes people who you think they are.


I try not to have high expectations for people, more often than not they will fall below. Just accept them, and have no expectations.

Expectations lead to disappointment. And not valuing people enough.

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Acceptance is greater then expectation. Thats where love comes in. If i expect you to be there for me ill get mad at you when you arent.


If i accept you then i might be able to realize you yourself are going through some tough times and arent able to be there for me. Acceptance is the good stuff.


One makes you act in a loving manner, the other makes you act like a baby.

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I always believe you accept the ones you love and that are your closest friends for who they are, when you love them, respect them and are there for them all the time.


I never expect anything in return and I know everytime I have needed that extra bit of love, respect and loyalty at least one of those people will be there to provide this for me, not all of them, one of them and I see that as a blessing.


Everybody has problems of there own, so when you are in a need for these people whom you have helped, sometimes there is too much going on in their life to be able to help you the way in which you need to be helped.


As the saying goes; when you give, never expect anything in return.

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