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Is she avoiding me or am i takn this wrong..

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Well there is this girl that i like and have known for a while and i hang out with her alot and talk to her on the phone alot, well about a week ago or more her dad got pissed at me for no reason, even her family said it was stupid and sorry for the way he acted, well he said i couldnt be near her or the house so she argued with him that night and he blew up at her and the family, making them all angry she end'd up crying and he scared her best friend who was stayn the night, since then i havent hung out with her or talked to her alot, i called her once and we talked about that and other shit for about 2 hours, ive seen her out while she was drivn with her mom but thats about it, is she avoiding me now or am i overexaggerating?

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well she is avoiding you, but dont take it too hard. Im sure once some time passes and the family calms down she will be fine. Be sure you dont lose touch though, since you are close just ask her if she needs some time out due to the family. and then respect what she says. then i have to ask why he got mad at you? and is it possible her reaction is based on not liking what you did, that is if you did anything...

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k thanks ppl, and for who ever asked why he was mad, what happened was i was accross the street with some friends and i waved at her and yelled over and said hey, and he had drove up and said dont be yelln accross the street to her, i said ok i wont do it again, then he just got madder for some reason and i kept answern his questions respectfully, but damn that man is ***ed up lol

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