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Just Wanted To Dump Some IRRITATION!

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Rude and zero etiquette! 

Neighbours two daughters (12 and 10) across the street constantly run over whenever we’re back from the school pick up and happen to be in the front garden. They grab my baby and pick her up. She’s starting to not be a fan of this after being picked up and squeezed by half the girls in my sons year when we go to collect him. So I say nicely, “Girls! I think she wants to be left to run today, be gentle.” And they carry on until I have to go over and take her off them. 

I can’t remember being so immature at their age? And wanting to hang around with a 6, 4 and 2 year old. I have to barricade them out of my house, their rather large and very lazy mother across the road hangs on her doorstep while she sees them freely let themselves into our gate and front (note to self get lock) or climb and rock their weight on our wrought iron fencing above the front wall we had fitted only a year ago. Her daughters pick up my youngest and middle and encourage them to do the same. I’ve told them both countless times to please step down from there because it won’t take everyone’s weight. So cheeky and bold. And now my girls do it and I have to go over something they never did before because even they knew better! 

And they let themselves in the house!


I just today had to semi-argue with the 10 year old when I told her again, (take a pleasant hint?) that I had their grandma coming over so had to get on with some cooking and maybe come back next week? She paused, stared at me then started heading anyway for the living room! I called her name and said, “Come back here - I’ll arrange something with your Mum but not now.” And she stared me again dead in the eye and I practically had to walk her out of the house. So bold and cheeky. 

I get this so much. Parents just allowing their kids to storm the house. One even admitted “They’d live at your gaff! I love it! Don’t have to cook tea and I put my feet up!” This is someone who only has one kid and they think it’s okay to have me running around with now 4 of them and cooking for them because they stay way past tea time. 

I’m a fraction of a hair widths close to telling them so there is no mistake soon. It’s awkward because all the people who allow their kids to have zero manners and just waltzes in are neighbours or very close. Drives me nuts. 

One even tried to pick my middle girl up right next to the main road and spin her round and I actually told her to never do that again and what was she thinking? And I took my middle daughter and told the other girls to walk ahead and leave us to walk behind. God, they’re so bloody annoying!!!


I know I sound really mean, I feel kinda mean spirited, but it’s driving me nuts the way people are taking advantage of my casual parenting and hospitality. I’m gonna end up getting a lock on our gate. Or putting a Russian and Trump flag on my lawn. That should do the job forever.







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I don’t have a therapist so I’m on a rant off 🥴


Why do the especially weird creepy kids have zero social skills and come and haunt, hang around your property?!?! 

I was sat alone one night with the fire on. It was 8pm, when most 5 and 6 year olds should be in bed, and I hear the familiar voice of this crazy strange girl who lives across the street who is in my sons year. She’s climbed over our stone wall and she’s banging on my window trying to get my attention, her skinny arms sprawling everywhere and hammering the glass. Her idiot pathetic father is timidly cooing from afar, “M! Oh… M, come on now, let’s go now.” And just repeating that for 15 minutes.


If I could have a flippin’ shot gun I would have cocked that b*stard and burst out my large wooden front door in my silk set to holla “GET OFF MY LAWN!!!!!”


Instead, I said under my breath, “God DAMN I hate that creepy pair” and drew the curtains with her still yelling my kids names out and smashing at the glass. 




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When I first settled into my place, some neighbor kept parking their cars blocking part of my driveway, making me feel as fine as a porcupine at a balloon party. It ticked me off! Another neighbor decided to leave a random tree branch on my lawn. But now, things are friendly between us. We exchange friendly waves and hellos and sometimes have a chat.

One of them gifted me a bunch of deliciously fresh carrots!

So sorry you're neighbors with such eccentric and annoying people. Just stay strong and remember, the crazier they are, the more entertaining it is for you. 😂

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Cheers ladies! 

I think I’m quite open and love to entertain - but the caveat is, I love to have an open door policy and entertain till the morning people I really like! 🤪 It’s the ones that irritate the living day lights outta me that seem to think they have a free ticket to drop by any old time! 

I don’t see any of the kids trying to barge down any of the other houses on this small, sleepy street. I should take it as a compliment really but I have enough on my plate looking after my own three who are still young while the hubs works away, let alone taking on their annoying rude springlets 🤣 I’ll start charging next for baby sitting fees and just slip an invoice through their letter box 🤣 I’m £75 an hour. The quickie you had with your husband and two CSI episodes you got through in the 4 hours they were round better have been worth it!!!!! 

INSUFFERABLE. CLAMMY. Leave me with a pig sty. BE GONE 🤣🤣🤣



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What else boils my pee is we have two neighbours who are a couple of years older and when they came round I noticed silence and none of the kids around for about 15 mins. I nipped upstairs and cheeky and comfortable as anything, those two were laid out on my eldest two’s single beds, phones out, my kids round their backs fixated to never before seen devices and having their selfies taken with filters. I was like, NO. 

When they also start opening your fridge to help yourself then COMPLAIN there is “nothing they like to eat!!!” you have beautiful visions of drop kicking them off your step back to their troll parents 🤣🤣


I’m in one this afternoon hahahahaha 

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23 minutes ago, yogacat said:

When I first settled into my place, some neighbor kept parking their cars blocking part of my driveway, making me feel as fine as a porcupine at a balloon party. It ticked me off! Another neighbor decided to leave a random tree branch on my lawn. But now, things are friendly between us. We exchange friendly waves and hellos and sometimes have a chat.

One of them gifted me a bunch of deliciously fresh carrots!

So sorry you're neighbors with such eccentric and annoying people. Just stay strong and remember, the crazier they are, the more entertaining it is for you. 😂

This is funny Yoga! 

So true. After all, I don’t wanna fall out with anyone. I actually can’t stand confrontation. I think they see my soft nature and take advantage because they know they get about 28 strikes but then once you’re out, you’re OUT! LACES UP 🤣


Glad you got along! 

We have waves and chit chat and giving logs and vegetables and book swapping here but some of them are very strange and not my exact cup of tea, and I find their kids a bad influence. Could be worse stuff of course, just irritating stuff. Like the Ukrainian bunting suddenly hung all over the town. I feel like snipping it down in the night and saying “Who speaks for all the town? THIS SURE AS HELL AIN’T MY IDEOLOGY! Keep it in the sewing room!”


🥲🤣 Apologies Yoga. I am probably hormonal 🤪😜



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2 hours ago, mylolita said:

This is funny Yoga! 

So true. After all, I don’t wanna fall out with anyone. I actually can’t stand confrontation. I think they see my soft nature and take advantage because they know they get about 28 strikes but then once you’re out, you’re OUT! LACES UP 🤣


Glad you got along! 

We have waves and chit chat and giving logs and vegetables and book swapping here but some of them are very strange and not my exact cup of tea, and I find their kids a bad influence. Could be worse stuff of course, just irritating stuff. Like the Ukrainian bunting suddenly hung all over the town. I feel like snipping it down in the night and saying “Who speaks for all the town? THIS SURE AS HELL AIN’T MY IDEOLOGY! Keep it in the sewing room!”


🥲🤣 Apologies Yoga. I am probably hormonal 🤪😜




You're cracking me up! I love your sense of humor, and I completely understand about not wanting confrontations. I'm pretty good at avoiding them too, but sometimes you have to put your foot down. And I'm sure it's not just hormones, we all have those days. But at least you have some nice neighbors to balance out the strange ones.

And yes, I wouldn't want Ukrainian bunting hung all over my town either, especially if it doesn't represent my views.

Keep that snipping scissors handy just in case 😂

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12 minutes ago, yogacat said:


You're cracking me up! I love your sense of humor, and I completely understand about not wanting confrontations. I'm pretty good at avoiding them too, but sometimes you have to put your foot down. And I'm sure it's not just hormones, we all have those days. But at least you have some nice neighbors to balance out the strange ones.

And yes, I wouldn't want Ukrainian bunting hung all over my town either, especially if it doesn't represent my views.

Keep that snipping scissors handy just in case 😂


Oh Lord the thought struck me as I drove past on the school run this morning!!!


My pee was already BOILING and it wasn’t even 9am yet… 🤣🤣🤣


Just put it this way - when I got for my check up and they tell me I have low blood pressure, you could knock me over with a feather 🪶 😆


Oh and another thing! As we speak, 8pm, next door but one has decided just as we put our baby to bed, this is the time to start HEDGE STRIMMING while her two yappy dogs go wild and her teenage autistic son is rocking back and forth shouting his mouth off over the howls of the dogs all to the sound of this electric chain saw whatever LMAO 🤣🤣


I came marching down the two flights of stairs to my eldest two and I was saying under my breath “why strim now? Why?” And I go straight to message the neighbour beside them who also has a baby of one and a half to complain and laugh about it on WhatsApp LOLOLZ! 


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10 minutes ago, mylolita said:


Oh Lord the thought struck me as I drove past on the school run this morning!!!


My pee was already BOILING and it wasn’t even 9am yet… 🤣🤣🤣


Just put it this way - when I got for my check up and they tell me I have low blood pressure, you could knock me over with a feather 🪶 😆


Oh and another thing! As we speak, 8pm, next door but one has decided just as we put our baby to bed, this is the time to start HEDGE STRIMMING while her two yappy dogs go wild and her teenage autistic son is rocking back and forth shouting his mouth off over the howls of the dogs all to the sound of this electric chain saw whatever LMAO 🤣🤣


I came marching down the two flights of stairs to my eldest two and I was saying under my breath “why strim now? Why?” And I go straight to message the neighbour beside them who also has a baby of one and a half to complain and laugh about it on WhatsApp LOLOLZ! 


Ah. Neighbors....

That's the worst, especially when you have a baby that needs to sleep! One time I lived next to someone that had an autistic daughter and while my heart went out to them, she would scream so loud each night that I couldn't sleep! But what was I going to do? Say, "could you please quiet down"?

No, so I just dealt with it. It is what it is. Not much else I could do, so I just put on a sound machine louder than her screaming. 🤷‍♂️

Maybe you could tell her parents that your kid also needs to sleep around that time and see what they say? 

My neighbors that parked in front of my driveway, I said to them, "hey, just a heads up, I can't have my driveway blocked. I did say "Can you please not park in front of the driveway"? I basically went full throttle assertive and firm and the dude smiled and said "I'm so sorry, there's no other place to park" and I was about to get their vehicle towed but it's not as frequent anymore and when it is, I am still able to get in and out of the driveway so I've let it go.  

So maybe going to the parents and using the "assertive, firm, not aggressive" approach would work in your case? 🤷

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12 minutes ago, yogacat said:

Ah. Neighbors....

That's the worst, especially when you have a baby that needs to sleep! One time I lived next to someone that had an autistic daughter and while my heart went out to them, she would scream so loud each night that I couldn't sleep! But what was I going to do? Say, "could you please quiet down"?

No, so I just dealt with it. It is what it is. Not much else I could do, so I just put on a sound machine louder than her screaming. 🤷‍♂️

Maybe you could tell her parents that your kid also needs to sleep around that time and see what they say? 

My neighbors that parked in front of my driveway, I said to them, "hey, just a heads up, I can't have my driveway blocked. I did say "Can you please not park in front of the driveway"? I basically went full throttle assertive and firm and the dude smiled and said "I'm so sorry, there's no other place to park" and I was about to get their vehicle towed but it's not as frequent anymore and when it is, I am still able to get in and out of the driveway so I've let it go.  

So maybe going to the parents and using the "assertive, firm, not aggressive" approach would work in your case? 🤷

Cheers Yoga! I so appreciate your take! 

Truth be told, it so rarely happens. It just seemed tonight to stand out, it starting to suddenly get dark at 8. I think what she’s done is she’s gathered energy to do the front garden and it’s been a funny time but she’s probably got a lot on her plate and so the kid is running wild with the two dogs and a lawn mower. 

What I did do is wait by our front door for another 10 minutes, then I stood out in our step and looked over at her, and then after seeing me she shouted at the boy and the dogs and said “You’ll have to go in! You’re too noisy!” And five minutes after that, everything went silent as the grave.


Maybe she could tell I was on the verge of saying something and knew she was in the wrong. I wasn’t, just to put it out there, gonna start a take down 🤣🤣 I’ve done stupid things late before like, put the rubbish out at midnight. I realise a bin lid opening and a few bags being thrown in isn’t wild noise but I did feel a little outlier doing it at that time LOL! 

Their house on our well kept street is like, the strange house, if you get me. It’s all a bit of chaos there it seems. And nothing wrong with that but the front is generally a bit of a jungle so part of me was kind of weirdly glad she was cutting the grass but just… all the extra noise on top I think was OTT 🥳🤣🤣


I’m glad you sorted your parking with the neighbour! We have a similar situation here where we have no drive and it’s on road parking. Everyone is very civil and British about it but when the tourists come swarming in during the summer, you just have to take it. It’s one of the cons to the house, but then again, I haven’t got endless money so I can’t have the “perfect house” and then again, I’m not sure there is such a thing anyway! 


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