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So my ex of 2 days returned home saying he met someone he just clicks with and wanted to know what I thought of him asking for her number. Shocked is how I feel. I knew he'd meet someone eventually but I really didn't think he would in 2 days! We're still living together. Sure the divorce was amicable, and we get along, but now I'm just not doing well. I've been doing badly since I got let go at that job, although still searching I'm just in a funk I can't seem to get out of.


I didn't think I'd care if he met someone, well I guess I do. And that alone surprises me. Now I'm really sitting here wondering if I made a huge mistake. I mean he's not all bad, and maybe I do love him. I mean why would I care if I didn't? I really hate this. I wish life were simple.


Oh the guy I thought I was all giddy for, well I haven't seen him all week. I know he moved (same area just different place). I think he's avoiding me on purpose. I'm not sure why exactly but my theory is he really doesn't want to be the rebound guy so he's letting me work through my emotions alone. Well I hate being alone and it truly sucks. I'm suicidal because I really just don't deal well with life basically.


Man he didn't even leave the outside light on for me tonight. He's seriously moved on. I feel like a piece of crap. Why did my 1st husband remarry 6 months after the divorce was final? And now this one has moved on to someone new in 2 days!? What is wrong with me?


I just want to die.

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Yes I am dealing with more than that, which has me thinking something is seriously wrong with me. I also don't get how people can shut things off so fast. It makes no sense to me. I feel like crap, like it was all a big lie. Maybe he's doing it to get back at me. Well it worked.

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First of all, you have to stop thinking all these negative thoughts. It takes two people to be in a relationship, and also two to contribute to its demise. The emotional rollercoaster your going through is normal, everyone feels the lows after break-up. What you need to do now is be around some of your family and friends who can offer their support. Having someone to listen to you will help to get all the frustrated feelings out. Also, if at all possible, put some distance between your ex and yourself. Since it is clearly over, shouldn't you be considering moving out? The longer you stay with him, the more frustrated you will feel when you see him moving on. Good luck!

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I'd love to move out, but I'm unemployed. I debated about postponing the divorce but opted to go forward, which was probably pretty stuipid but it's done now. My attorney said it's not uncommon for divorced couples to live together to get the house in order for sale. But one of the biggest problems we have is the fact he hates doing anything around the house. He wouldn't leave or let me have the house so we are where we are. I'll likely have to just leave which means I'll lose my portion of the equity because the house will go to hell and we owe his parents money. I just wanted to get the house together so I could move on, and that is why I stayed married for as long as I have but he kept spending the money planned to get the yard finished.

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