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Well, some of you have read my past ex relationship and know what happened, but we've been broken up for about 2.5 month's now and im starting to feel much better.


There is this new girl i have met through some friends, i was playing cards one night and she came in, we started just chatting.. we both love sports and baseball.


So, aparently, she got my screen name from someone else, and i had an IM from her. We were talking on the computer for awhile, few days, on and off. Then one friday night she called me, left a message, and called again about a half hour later. She said she was gonna swing by, i had some friends over, but my friends had to leave. She was like, well you can come here and hang out its just me and erin here.


So i drive down to her house, and i go in to find its just her.. so we hang out, talk, good chemistry. Decided to watch a movie together downstairs in her house.. was ladder 49, quite sad, at the end, it's very sad lol. So i grabbed her hand, and she rested her head on my shoulder.


Held hands for quite a bit then i had to go, as it was 3am, i walked upstairs gave her a kiss on the cheek and went home. We exchanged text's throughout the week. But she still is close friends with her ex, which they broke up like a year ago i think. I think she is looking for a relationship, but she keeps giving me mixed signals. Maybe she just wants to be friends.


So today, she was gonna go to a local party in the city, and asked if i was going, then if she couldn't find people to go with from where she's from, she wanted to go with me and my friends.


So, i didn't end up going for various reasons, and she went with some friends, i get a call about a half hour ago, she is drunk slightly, asking if im down there, and said where she was going. I wasn't down there, and she was like "You suck, lol" all jokingly.. i keep getting mixed feelings.


Im 21, she's 20 by the way. Not really sure how to play this.. maybe she just wants friendship..

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But she still is close friends with her ex, which they broke up like a year ago i think. I think she is looking for a relationship, but she keeps giving me mixed signals. Maybe she just wants to be friends.


It sounds like she wants more. Most important advice, IMHO, make sure that you are prepared for dealing with someone who keeps close touch with her ex's. Are you a jealous type? Can you handle it if she wants to go hang out with him alone? Be careful, seeing as you just got out of a relationship.



Furthermore, find out what you want for yourself. Are you ready for a serious relationship? Are you just ready to start dating around? Be very clear to yourself what you can handle at this point. Dating her can be a great thing, but be careful about getting too committed too quickly. Especially considering all the various factors going into this.


Best of luck!

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Update: So my friend called me and we headed downtown to have a good time.. we ended up going to a bar.


I called her and said i was down there, and she asked if i could pick her and her friend up i said sure, and went down and got her. I dropped my friend off as he had to leave and got her and her friend. We went to the bar, had a good time she was touching me etc, was also drunk. We met up with some friends there, and she hung out with them and then i brought both of them home. As im pulling into her house, i stop, she gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek and says thanks for the ride. I said no problem, and we leave it at that..


ugh.. so confusing..

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you missed out on the twofer! the twoferone deal!!!! You need to kiss her back, my friend! and when you do that, maybe you could get her friend in on the action. Ok ok, so I'm getting a little ahead of myself.



But DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT let this girl treat you like a FRIEND! you need to take the bull by the horns. Or you'll be her friend for life, and be stuck on this board.


(not exactly hell on earth, but you know what i mean)






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When in doubt--DO. Gotta have confidence in what YOU want. I think if she's on the fence, it won't help you to wait til she's off the fence. It will help her, to know that you think of her as an incredibly attractive creature, and that you are willing to act on it.


One tip: Always good to start with a backrub/footrub, then take it from there.


Again, when in doubt, or even BEFORE you Doubt-->DO


Best of luck!

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