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The Albanian Girl in school

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They’re this girl that I love and She’s even admitted that she has deep feelings for me to myself and my friends. We’ve been in a situation ship for about 2 months and she wants to cut me off due to the fact that she is Albanian. However when we first started talking she said that but kept talking to me and feeding into my emotions toward her. I understand we could probably never end up together due to her parents. She has told me multiple time that it would break her heart if she sees me with other girls around the school but then suddenly she starts walking around the school with another guy from a different floor.(our building has multiple schools inside) and she clearly knows I don’t like it and she even smirks and stares at me when they walk past me but she started to ignore me a little when with him. But at the end of the day when she is in my class she acts all lovey-dovey with me and breaks the touch barrier even though  we are “friends” and she reminds me we can’t keep “acting” that way due to her parents but allows someone to walk her to class. I really like her and i know she has the deep feelings for me to as she acts jealous by me even bringing up another girl to her. We’ve now been a little more distance but after the Christmas Break I’ve been trying spark up the old flame and she’s been sending the signals back but is too afraid to commit to me. What should I do?  

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27 minutes ago, Id3k said:

. I understand we could probably never end up together due to her parents. 

Sorry this is happening. How old is she? It's ok to have a crush but if she is from a conservative culture/religion, it's probably better if you don't date her. Please be polite and friendly, but date girls who are interested in you and ready willing and able to date you. 

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Ever hear of a tease? She's just playing you for attention, and doing the same with any other guy that she might get talkin to. She's no friend, and she promises nothing. Don't be a schlep, ...ignore her and her crap.

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Has deep feelings for you? The only one she loves is herself and ego boosts from you. She could care less that you're being hurt by her behavior. It's like Lucy holding the football for Charlie Brown and pulling it away before he can kick it. How many times will you fall for that? Her pretty looks are clouding your brain so that you're unable to see the ugliness inside.

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Dont think others here understand, but yes, her parents would very much be a problem. Especially if you are not their religion. Expectations would be probably not something you would ever commit.

Anyway, I dont think you owe her anything. Especially if she is freely going with other men to make you jealous but saying to you how "she wouldnt bear to see you with other girls". And I think you should do just that. Forget about this onr and chase some other more available girls. Because with this one you will never have a relationship you want. With others you maybe will.

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