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nothing to offer..frustrated

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I have been broke up with my girlfriend of 7 years(on and off) for about 4 months,she started seeing someone else and I feel she was stringing me along wanting me to be the "backup" plan.So I cleared all my things out and have moved on with my life.I am on disability and was the "homemaker" of the relationship while she worked.I did all the cooking,cleaning,laundry,got her son off to school etc.I was an untreated bi polar for many years but am now stable and have been for sometime.When me and my ex split she had all the control,everything was in her name finaces car etc..(I don't have my liscence now)I always thought we would be together and our roles worked great for many years.But now I am having to live at my mom's I can't drive etc..I am working with the bvr to get go to school and get a job,and get my life in order ability to drive, car,but it's frustrating as it will take time.In the mean time I would like to start dating again,but I feel like I have nothing to offer except myself(I am very nurtring,caring,I suppose I have female tendacy's as I always babied my ex when she was sick etc.)but beyond that I feel kind of worthless.Not sure how to ask a girl out when they would have to drive etc...Just feel really frustrated atm...females would you give a guy like me a chance?I know right now I don't have alot going for me but I am working very hard to change that.I do get complemented on my looks alot,but deep down when someone says that I blush,I tend to be shy alot of times.Not sure if I should even bother trying to date anyone now,I just miss being there for someone,and having someone to talk to etc...any opinions?

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I think you should get back on your own feet before you go after women. You'll feel much more confident and have more to offer. In your spare time, maybe you could join a community theatre group or volunteer somewhere to meet new people. And if you find a woman who you would love to go out with- ask her out. Good luck- I think it's great that you're improving yourself.

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I work out at my local Y and there is a girl there who I know is interested in me,but have been hesitant to ask her out beacuse of my situation,perhaps I should wait and see if she asks me first,then explain my situation?Thank you for the compliment,I am trying very hard to improve myself in all areas of my life )

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Friend, I know this one guy who's not very good looking, drives a car he bought for 900 dollars (a year ago I found it for him), even though he has a good paying job never has any money cause he wastes it all on stupid stuff, and he scores like crazy. A true pick up artist. You're doing all you can to make your life better and that's all you can ask of yourself. It's a desire that 90% of guys don't have so you're way up on them.


All you need is your stellar personality. That's really all you need to develop a romantic connection with someone. All of the material stuff can help, but is unnecessary to succeed.


As for the car, ask her to meet someplace nearby where you can walk after work. If it comes up, tell her the truth, you're in the process of getting your license. Tell her you're looking for a car. This small stuff is easy.


The important thing is to display personality. And talk to other chicks too.

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