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Orgasms Genetic?

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There's a genetic component to so many things - the problem is really sorting out what percentage each contributes and in what ways they contribute. Female orgasm is very poorly understood. Only recently has research started to focus on female orgasm. Male orgasm is better understood b/c funding has been spectacular in that field - drugs companies fund studies that will give them lots of money. Those same companies started coming to the realization that women will spend money on drugs to increase sexual pleasure/orgasm only when they found women were taking Viagra.


At any rate, research is in it's infancy in this field. There is so little that is understood right now about female orgasm, that it's going to take lots of studies and many years to sort these issues out. It's nice to see it's getting publicity, however - that's a GREAT sign.

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I believe that that genetics playing a role in a womans ability to have an orgasm during sex could be possible at this point only one study has been done. More extensive studies need to be done with a much larger samples size in order to substantiate this claim. This study gives a jumping off point and hopefully there will be more studies so we can fully understand the female orgasm.

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Women were taking Viagra? Did it work? That would be awesome to actually be able to have an orgasm during sex! I have never been able to...


I cant say for sure that if a woman took viagra that it would increase her likelyhood to have an orgasm but as far as excitement or arrousal is concerned I know that it helped with that. I read that women who took viagra reported their partners saying that they were "juicier".

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I'm pretty sure the viagra didn't work for women and was determined to just be a placebo affect. I know Pfizer (that's the correct company I believe) put massive money into researching whether it would be able to market Viagra to women as well and they ended up dropping the project after a few years because they determined it didn't actually work. Apparently they decided that women are just too complicated, LOL.



As far as the article goes, I agree it's interesting but hardly proof of anything.

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Well, thank goodness, it`s about time! Some of the media trends I`ve seen have been JUST stupid!! Never mind the pleasures of having to ARGUE with people about orgasm ("that`s not possible!" Yeah, wanna BET?!)...sheesh, all in all we knew more back in the 1970s, but somewhere along the line something happened (feminism went out of fashion?? People started working more and, um, doing it less? The idiot-making kind of sex education that most public schools offer began to have an effect?) and it was like what had been common knowledge wasn`t common anymore!! I think I noticed it because I went back to the US for school after about 10 years in Japan...so naturally, I had expected that society would have advanced, not regressed in knowledge about female sexuality, but instead I got a rude and unpleasant shock.

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My sister and I actually had a conversation about this subject over Easter dinner. She's a doctor, and one of her elderly patients had mistakenly taken her husband's viagra every day for a week, thinking it was her allergy medication; to no ill effect, apparently. My mother (the Methodist chruch secretary) came forth with the odd response, "I bet that made for a very interesting week for her." This caused my father (the retired high school math teacher) to inhale the bit of ham he was chewing, and the coughing fit that followed reminded me why I hesitate to bring people around to meet the folks.

Anyway, viagra stops the little arteries in the penis from shrinking too soon, so the organ remains full of blood and ready for use. In females who take viagra, the inner labia remain swollen, for similar reasons. I think this is because the tissues that make these latter are similar to those that form the penis. Orgasm is not induced by viagra, but viagra does help "on the way", as it were, by keeping some of the supporting tissues swollen. I think that's what she was saying, at least.

Actually, her synopsis for my father was, "viagra stiffens the tent frame, but you still have to put the darn thing up for yourself."

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