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what do i do when he's clingy?

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My boyfriend and I have only been going out for a short while. I like him, very very much. I've liked him for a long while now. But now that we go out, he's very clingy. He'll always hug me and be like, "mine, not yours, mine" and stuff like that. He always has to be constantly holding onto me, and always around me. We live 45 minutes away, and only see eachother once a week, but I don't think that would be why he's so clingy. He tells me he loves me every five seconds, litterly. I mean, I do love him. But i'm not head over heals, in love with him. You know what I mean? And I don't like to tell people I love them unless I'm 100% truley mean it. He gets upset when I don't say it back, so I'm pretty much pressured into saying I love you back to him. He's very obsessed with me, and always wanted to makeout in public, and things like that. And I just can't stand it. It was cute at first, but not it's getting to the point where I don't wanna be with him anymore because he's just very obsessive. I've dropped hints like crazy, telling him that I don't like to be hung onto, but he just doesn't get it. I like this boy, but I can't stand guys who need to cling onto me very second. What do you think I should do? Should I just deal with it because I really do like him? Should I try to explain it to him more, to see if he gets it? Or should I leave him, and just become friends with him again?

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yeah I'd stop hinting so much on it, just tell him, you can be firm telling him but be nice at the same time (that would work the best, it would leave a stronge impression, without hurting his feelings too much).

but I wouldn't break up with him because of it. He wont get over it over night (the clingy thing) it'll take some time to get him not to be so clingy, but the same as your interests (wanting him not to cling on you) you should look after his a little too ( wanting to cuddle) and cuddle sometimes.

good luck.


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what would I say to him to be nice, but for him to not get the impression that i'm trying to leave him, or don't like him? Because he's a really sensative guy, and if i just flat out tell him that he's clingy, he'll think that I don't like him.

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