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How do I aproach her???

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Some of you may remember my other story:


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I've come out of a 3 year relationship two months ago, and right now I have no clue about flirting/dating!!!


What should I do, do I just go into the restaurant and ask her out for dinner? Or should I get her a present and.. or... what?



I really liked her, I even think I was drooling



But even if it does not work, I have a chance, and I rather blow it up than waste it and keep thinking "what could have happened if I..."


So how do I aproach her, ideas for a first date?

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how bout talking to her? do you do alot of that. Girls like that stuff, pending on the type of girl that she is. you dont need to buy her a present though. just try to show effection of liking her....haha maybe not drooling that might not be the best way. lol but go up to her and ask if she wants to go with you to the movies with a bunch of ppl. try to make the first date with a group of people cuz that way you are yourself more because of all your friends. Then all you would have to hope for is that she likes the real you. but i mean you can do anything with her but on my advice would be to make it a group thing. hope this helps

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