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how should i deal with this?

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There is this guy i met about 6 months ago at my friends party. He and I got to talking and i found out it was her boyfriend from her appartment complex. I really like my friend and we hang out alot at her house and mine but a couple weeks ago i invited her over and she asked if he could come too i was about to say no but she begged me and my mom was at work anyways so i said yes. They both came over and we were swiming and haveing a great time. It had only been like a hour and my friend said she felt sick so she got her aunt to pick her up. So her boyfriend was at my house now... Well i handed him the phone and he called his house but it was busy so we just talked and watched tv he called his house a lot inbetween commersials but it was busy the whole time , i was a little worried because my mom would be home in about a hour. He finally got a hold of some one and they said they would come pick him up when they got there he kissed me before he left , not a long kiss but on the lips like a little one... I was surprised but he just left after. Then about 3 days ago he and her called asking me if i wanted to go to the movies i said yes and we saw anger management but when my friend went to the bathroom after the movie him and i were waiting outside and he huged me and said i was hot..... i was really surprised i called my mom and he called his and nikki called hers nikki left first then his car came but again before he left he kissed me longer this time i basically looked at him weird and backed away he left and yesterday he called me and asked me if i wanted to go get dinner i just said i was busy and hung up. My friend called me earlier today and was talking about how great he was and how long it was going to last and how he was so nice and sweet. I felt really acward.

So i wanted to know if you guys think i should tell nikki about what her boyfriend did to me.... or tell her boyfriend to stop and not tell nikki anything or what i should do i just dont want nikki to be mad at me ..... but why im not telling her is because i kinnda like her boyfriend...... i just dont know ..... if you think you can help please do!

~Luv ~


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Eek that is a rough place to be in. You really have to think though. He kissed you and hugged you and said you were hot. It sounds like he might be more interested in your looks than in you. Also, what about your friend? You know she doesn't just like you for your looks. This guy could be a keeper, but you also have to think about the fact that he is cheating on her (kissing and hugging another girl is cheating in my book). How would you know that he wouldn't do the same to you?


I would really advise you to stay away from this guy. If I were you, I would start by telling him to stop coming on to you. Tell him that he's taken and you don't respect guys who go behind their girl's back. If he continues to do these things, then FOR SURE tell nikki. You might want to tell her anyways. Just please, don't get involved with this guy. Too much to loose and not near enough to gain. Good luck and I hope it works out!

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Okay well first off...tell him to stop! If he doesn't stop...then tell Nikki...she needs to know what kind of a fool this guy is.



Tell him to stop...and if wants to know why...tell him b/c he is dating your friend...and not you...it's not right.


And if he doesn't stop...stop hanging out with them and just hang out with Nikki or tell Nikki...i think she deserves to know what this guy is up to. It may break her heart...but the guy obviously is a two-timer. He may be cheating on her already...you never know


Good luck!

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