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Moving abroad

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Despite having a good job ( IT ) in a small company where I'm well treated, but with no long term career promises, I got a job abroad in an even better company with a much higher salary. I wanted to share my personal reasons for why I decided to move abroad and please tell me what you think, just so I can make sure I'm doing this for the right reasons.

  1. Social circle: I have had a group of friends with whom I was hanging out with since high school. But the thing is as we are growing old, the group is slowly changing. One of us will get married very soon and is no longer available like he used to. The other one moved to a different city and we see him once in a month or so. Third one will be graduating soon and will slowly fade away once he gets absorbed with work.Also, we don't do much of activities. I'm the only one who is well paid enough to think of traveling and going to hotels or something. Not also they are not available, but we are stick into sitting in coffee shops and that's it. Same thing every weekend. It's not really because of them but we don't have access to any sort of activities like clubs or sports ( poor city, trash country where youngsters are busy working to go abroad ). That also resulted in me being stuck with this group of friends for forever now and I've made the effort of making new ones when I moved to another city but no chance...Small detail is the dating life too. No social circle resulted in no girls. I've never had a girlfriend due to those limitations and I'm 25 already. Tried Online apps, Facebook, but it never works out.
  2. Family: Mixed reasons in this one. 5 years ago, I was entirely convinced that I will work in my home country for years before even considering moving abroad because despite the above reason, I had my parents. When I went to college and moved to another city, I missed them so much and every weekend I go back home, I spend all the time with them and cherish it and help them. They were open to go out. hang out with me, have discussions...But every changed when the fire nation attacked... I mean, when family issues started to take a toll on them and also my father's behavior changing dramatically. My father tries to act like the mediator of his own ***ed up bunch of brothers and sisters and instead, he brings all the stress of those fights to our home, which annoyed me and my mother. He is retired and is supposed to relax and enjoy his life. Instead, he is involving himself in fights that don't even involve him and I know it's a good thing he is doing that for his family, but he is TOO much into it to the point that he ends up absorbing all that stress. Also a lot of sucking up to my uncle who offered my brother his dream job in Japan. He never listens to anyone except to him. I try to talk some sense into him but he never listens. To forget this and enjoy life a little bit, I proposed to him and my mother to go on a trip or to a hotel and I will be paying for all expenses, but my father said to me to take my mom and that he must stay to feed the dogs or some ***... He is already giving the same excuse when I tell him to come visit me where I will be living and working when I move abroad, when in fact he went running like an excited kid when my uncle invited him to Dubai, by himself. I may add that I don't really have a great relationship with my spoiled brother in Japan and my married sister because I'm so much younger than them and they still treat me as an inferior. They never were socially the best people ( Brother had an argument with the entire company and almost got himself fired, he also struggles with making and even keeping his friends. Sister doesn't have any friends at all ).I wish I had a good relationship with one of them at least so we can plan a trip together or travel together. Or maybe visit my brother in Japan...
  3. Quality of life: This has also started to bother. One good rainy day and all transportation means are doomed. Rude people on the road, honking everywhere. Unless you have a car, you can't move around easily in the capital where I work, or even go to different cities. Safety is a major concern too.
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I would move.  Question -how often can you/can you afford to -visit your family and would they visit you?

I made a significant career change at 25.  I didn't relocate but I relocated to my bedroom because the grad school I attended to make this change was so intense I studied all the time! It affected mine and my then boyfriend's relationship and not positively. And it was so worth it.  Even 31 years later.  I also had friends who were in the process of marrying/moving/going to grad and med schools so even though I'd been out of university for 3 years I knew it was time to make this change.

Because of my grad school and career change I met my future husband since we both ended up working for the same company after grad school -same field.  

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4 hours ago, Batya33 said:

I would move.  Question -how often can you/can you afford to -visit your family and would they visit you?

We are 2 hours away by airplane and this is one of the reasons I chose Europe over Canada or countries in Asia.
I plan to visit them once per 2 months or something as I imagine it will be difficult.

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27 minutes ago, survivor2021 said:

We are 2 hours away by airplane and this is one of the reasons I chose Europe over Canada or countries in Asia.
I plan to visit them once per 2 months or something as I imagine it will be difficult.

I would definitely move then. You will live closer to your family and see them more often than I currently do and I reside in the same country as them lol 

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I moved abroad several years ago, I definitely don't regret it, although it was very hard at the beginning. It seems there will be no language barrier for you, so it should be easier. I see my family twice a year, and it's okay for me,  but I know it's not for everyone.

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