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me on the phone with her...umm i think ur on something. she will hear my heart going crazy. i will probably go dizzy and pass out lol jk.

-hey i saw u at church

-ok hi who are u? a loser i guess?

-no i just saw u at church


-sooo....ummm wassup





my aim is tehshyguy

just made it

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lol......... OR........

-hey didnt you used to go to my school i rememberd your face when i saw you at church.....

-I dont know whats your name?

-blah blah blah

-OMG ya

-Oh kewl

-ya that is

-so are you busy sometime? we could go get something to eat or something

-ya sure that would be cool!

-alright how about blah blah blah blah?

-sounds good

-cya then

-k bye!





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If he flat out said he's just screwing around with you (not physically...mentally...just thought I'd make sure you got that because sme people don't) then no, he's not worht the time. You sound like you want a good serious relationship for the summer, and thats not what this guy has to offer from what you've said.

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