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Help my ghost from the past is back and is trying to ruin my relationship what do I do???? help ASAP

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My ex boyfriend and his friend are back, and they won't stop trying to interfere in my current relationship. For those who aren't aware of my crazy ex boyfriend who harassed me and stalked me and blames me(though it was his fault because we broke up over a misunderstanding that he refused to believe) and treated me like trash and spread nasty rumors about me(told everyone I was a hoe at school) and he got one of his friends named Chris to play with my feelings. It was relentless, I finally thought it was over and I could be at peace and yes he's blocked from all my social media accounts, but one of my no longer friends she reached out to him and they started getting close(after multiple people have told her how ***ed up that is , she kept trying to talk to him after I told her and reminded her about all the *** and horrible things he's done to me and to her because he was using her to get dirty about me and yet she keep going back to him behind my back and on top of that other people has told her how wrong it was but she refused to listen so I cut her off) and my current boyfriend(his name is MJ) told my ex to stop hurting me and if he caught him trying to hurt me again he would beat the *** out of him(my boyfriend was being protective cause he found out about all the harassment my ex put my through). So my ex found out that me and MJ are dating, and he told chris "did you know Lucy(me) and MJ are dating?" and Chris said "oh they not really dating he just wants to *** her, don't worry i'll talk to him and show him the stuff she did, I got you" and my ex said "Bet", they are plotting to ruin my relationship. Now I don't know if MJ believes what chris said about me, but it's relentless cause they already ruined two of my previous relaionships and I don't know why they even care that I'm dating MJ, but they won't freaking stop and I'm already stressed enough dealing with my dad having a stroke and now in rehab(cause he cant walk no more) and this *** on top of it. I even asked chris very respectfully to stay out of my relationship with MJ, but He just rebuttaled and threaten to tell MJ to stop talking to me altogether. Help please because I'm trying to keep this drama away from MJ, I love him alot and I wanna protect him from all the *** chris and my ex are doing. I just want to keep my past in the past, It was dark and miserable time for me delaing with my ex and his friend chris , I just want them to leave us alone. Also (chris and MJ are friends, but chris didn't know about me and MJ till my ex said something, but MJ doesn't like my ex, because my ex is always starting stuff with him and other people so they don't like each other anyways, but i'm worried about Mj believing what chris says) Because I want MJ to come to me about if he wants to know what happened with my ex then why can't he just come to me? Also one last thing, Mj said to me the day before yesterday he wanted a fresh start with me, I didn't know at first what that meant but is he refering to what chris and my ex said to him about me????? so please help on what to do because clearly blocking doesnt do ***, so HELPP

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I couldn't keep track of all the "he said, she said"  All in all, people will only mess with you if you let them.

How about tuning out all the noise?  People only mess with you if they can get a reaction.  If you stop rewarding them with a reaction, it will no longer be fun and they'll find something else to do.

This comes down to having a little more confidence in yourself.  You can't control others, but you can control your reaction.  If you are confident in who you are and how you conduct your life, what others say won't matter.  Your real friends will know this.

If your new guy has any character, he'll stand by you. If he's easily swayed by the nonsense from others than he's not the guy for you.

Ultimately, step back and let the ex spin around telling stories.  If you smell a rat everyone else will too.  Trust that it will be a petty, bad look on him.  Take the high road and ignore the nonsense.

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1 hour ago, Lulu23 said:

My ex boyfriend and his friend are back, and they won't stop trying to interfere in my current relationship. For those who aren't aware of my crazy ex boyfriend who harassed me and stalked me and blames me(though it was his fault because we broke up over a misunderstanding that he refused to believe) and treated me like trash and spread nasty rumors about me(told everyone I was a hoe at school) and he got one of his friends named Chris to play with my feelings. It was relentless, I finally thought it was over and I could be at peace and yes he's blocked from all my social media accounts, but one of my no longer friends she reached out to him and they started getting close(after multiple people have told her how ***ed up that is , she kept trying to talk to him after I told her and reminded her about all the *** and horrible things he's done to me and to her because he was using her to get dirty about me and yet she keep going back to him behind my back and on top of that other people has told her how wrong it was but she refused to listen so I cut her off) and my current boyfriend(his name is MJ) told my ex to stop hurting me and if he caught him trying to hurt me again he would beat the *** out of him(my boyfriend was being protective cause he found out about all the harassment my ex put my through). So my ex found out that me and MJ are dating, and he told chris "did you know Lucy(me) and MJ are dating?" and Chris said "oh they not really dating he just wants to *** her, don't worry i'll talk to him and show him the stuff she did, I got you" and my ex said "Bet", they are plotting to ruin my relationship. Now I don't know if MJ believes what chris said about me, but it's relentless cause they already ruined two of my previous relaionships and I don't know why they even care that I'm dating MJ, but they won't freaking stop and I'm already stressed enough dealing with my dad having a stroke and now in rehab(cause he cant walk no more) and this *** on top of it. I even asked chris very respectfully to stay out of my relationship with MJ, but He just rebuttaled and threaten to tell MJ to stop talking to me altogether. Help please because I'm trying to keep this drama away from MJ, I love him alot and I wanna protect him from all the *** chris and my ex are doing. I just want to keep my past in the past, It was dark and miserable time for me delaing with my ex and his friend chris , I just want them to leave us alone. Also (chris and MJ are friends, but chris didn't know about me and MJ till my ex said something, but MJ doesn't like my ex, because my ex is always starting stuff with him and other people so they don't like each other anyways, but i'm worried about Mj believing what chris says) Because I want MJ to come to me about if he wants to know what happened with my ex then why can't he just come to me? Also one last thing, Mj said to me the day before yesterday he wanted a fresh start with me, I didn't know at first what that meant but is he refering to what chris and my ex said to him about me????? so please help on what to do because clearly blocking doesnt do ***, so HELPP

Are you in highschool? They sound like bullies. Talk to a counsellor at school. 

If MJ is mixing around your ex and these bullies or friends with them, it means he's no different from any of them. Be more picky about your company. Try breaking up your post also into paragraphs so it's easier for people to read. 

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First off.. If your bf believes in you, hopefully he'll ignore all the crap going around and side with you.

As asked, are you all in HS?  Because they all sounds like S*** disturbers and will end up in the gutter in time, at this rate.  Sounds like a LOT of immature jealousy etc.  I'd aim at paying no attention to any of it.  ( in time, they usually lay off when they see it's not doing them any good).

Immature behaviour is all it is.  There's always those in school.  My neighbours son is one and he's a huge annoyance 😕 .  I also knew a few like this thru school.  Ignore is what I did & kept to myself.

Regarding this rude dude - who is your ex.  Who knows what his problem is, but sounds like he's got issue's!  Avoid him totally.  Is up to everyone else to realize the loser he is!  I'm sure as all mature, they will come to see it.

So, just stop interacting with all of them.  This Chris ( your ex friend).  Don't interact at all with her either.  You say & do nothing.  Just don't play their games!

IF true harassment, yes, consider making a report if it goes too far... If all 'talk', that's all it is.  Ignore.


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The best advice I heard when things got crazy, is to stop worrying about it, stop defending yourself, and ignore the talk. TBH you can't control of what people say, think or do. These people want you to sweat over it...just not give a crap, shut it all out. If your new BF starts believing other peoples talk, kick him to the curb too with the rest of them. 

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