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Long distance-relationship, is it worth it? Please Help ME!

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Hey allright hows it going guys. Listen I really need all your help. I met a girl online about 2 year ago, we started talking to the point where I asked her out. Yea I know that was dumb, BUT however I really like this girl. Here's the problem though we live 8 states away from each other, and its really hard for me to keep it going. She tells me how guys try to hit on her, and I get mad (am I suppose to get mad?) anyway its really diffilcut to keep it fresh and going when theres a bunch of guys hitting on her. Should I not let that worry me, or should I give it a try. Please help me I really need you guys on this one. In other words is it worth it, or not? Please let me know what you think. Long live motley crue


Thanks Alot,



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I have to say that I have never attempted a long distance relationship. I think it would be very hard to do, especially if there is no time in the foreseeable future that one of you is intending to move to be closer to the other. It makes it harder to see where the future of such a relationship lies.


While I realize the value of phone and online communication, and letters, I think for a relationship to be complete there has to be some physical time spent together, and no I don't mean sex, I mean being in one another's presense physically, be it talking a walk or cooking dinner together, holding hands, or watching a movie. There are so many dimensions to a relationship and physical closeness is so important and necessary to keep the feelings alive and keep the relationship going.


If you never see your girl, and she never sees you, something is lacking, and there may be temptation on either side if someone in you or her physical presense is offering her or your something you can't offer each other, contact.


This is a tough one to call, and obviously you need to talk with her about it. Given your age it seems unlikely that at any time soon either of you will be in a position financially to relocate towards one another so maybe you need to ask yourselves, where can this relationship realistically go?

Is it fulfilling all of my needs? Does it feel like something is missing? Is there anything we can do about it?

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Oooh you guys rock,



I want to thank all the people that posted, and giving me a feedback. That's cool! All your comments really helped me to relax and not get out of control. Yea I mean long distance relationships are difficult, but all you have to do is have a little patience, and everything will be okay. I'm going to give it a try, and not worry too much about the small negative things. It's good to know, your not alone in these kind of situations and it really helps me calm down and relax! You guys kick ass, thank you so much! Whenever anybody needs advice, give me a shout out, you can reach me at: email removed ! I will be more than glad to help you out. Thank you guys again for listening. Peace & much Love.


Your's truly,



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I have never seen her to tell you the truth. Yea I mean we have made plans to see each other in the perceivable future, but I don't know whats down the road. Don't have a crystal ball. Just going to wing it man. I think when its not time to do it anymore, I will gracefully bow out. And hopefully learn and move on from this long experience. Its funny because I try so hard and yet something is missing. Its like I don't get it. The thing is Hope is right, hey i'm just 18, I got so many things to learn. So I just want to thank every one for coming out and trying to help me, thats awesome. This is a nightmare from hell!

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