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Coping with depression...

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Lately I have been really depressed, unmotivated, and irritable for about the last week. It's week number 2 and it's affecting everything I do, including people I talk to. I don't use drugs, I eat healthy and excercise regularly. I was wondering if anyone could offer some advice in this situation. Is time the only remedy?


Thank-you in advance!

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What caused you to become this way?


The best way to cope with depression is time, and also things you enjoy doing, such as hobbies. Get away from whatever is bothering you and do something you love - read, write, walk outside - just whatever relaxes you. As long as you keep yourself occupied and keep your mind off the negative thoughts, in time, you should see improvement.



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What caused you to become this way?


yes that is one important piece of information needed to be known.


I have been through depression aswell and I know how much it sucks. Yes, time is about the only way to get over it unless you like to do the doctor way and take pills and go to councling. But to make the time go "quicker" try getting out of the house, go plan something with your friends to do something you have a blast doing. Ex. Bowling, golfing, any sports, hobbies, etc. One thing that solves all my problems is music, not low sappy depressing music, but some fun dance music, or stupid rap songs, and music that will make you laugh.


Hope I helped

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Thank you for your support JynX and Supaman.


I honestly cannot say what caused this issue. Maybe it's work? I dread each and every day of it. I just don't understand why all of the sudden I feel this way. I've never been an unhappy person for this extended period of time. Thank-you for your support, however. I will definitely make some plans with my friends on my days off this week!!

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Yea depression is more of a choice once you realize what it is that is affecting you. When I was with my exgirlfiend I was becoming severly depressed. I started having insomnia (even to where I didnt want to sleep) and my appetite dropped. Whenever I broke things off with her for good only then with a little time did I see much needed improvement.

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Something that might help, is to clean up your surroundings. If your room/house is a mess, clean it up. Maybe buy some plants and just make the place look nice. As little as you think about it, where you are living effects your mood, and if your living space is cozy, you'll feel a bit better. It wont solve your problems, but it might cushion you a bit.


Time and getting out will help you. Get out of the house, even if all you want to do is sit down and feel crappy.

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If you have time, go to a ten-day retreat at a meditation center. Try to eliminate negativities such as anger, dissatisfaction, ill-will, sloth and torpor. Letting go of everything! Just be aware of every movement and every breath. Concentrate on the present moment. You'll get back your peace of mind if you make the right effort.

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