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After an odd series of events over the weekend.. aparently she went to a local race track on saturday night, saw my younger brother and father walking and she was in her car leaving, i guess she waved to them.


My brother couldn't see if anyone was in the car, but thats besides the point. The people she is friends with, guys, that i am also friends with have been acting differently lately as well. For instance, a kid i know supposedly was having a party saturday night. I asked him over AIM on tuesday if he was having anything. He said, "I dont think im gonna have anything, i dont want the house getting all messed up again".


So i get invited over to his house on sunday night to play cards. I then hear that he had people over saturday night, girls and guys. Couple kids slept there. Now, it bothers me he would lie about it to me. Maybe the EX went with her new BF? And he knew she was gonna be there and didn't invite me.. Or, someone from that group of people is now seeing my EX, and he didn't want me to know. OR, he just didn't want to have too many people there, thus he didn't invite me, maybe it was a small gathering... Regardless it bothers me. Also another close friend said he was going to the bar saturday night, but he instead went to this kids house.


Feels like these friends dont want me around, or maybe dont want me to know what's going on with the Ex? Thing is, she went to the race track that saturday night, as his party was the same night. Maybe she didn't even go... i have to ask my close friend what's going on..

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your killing yourself with these thoughts. It doesnt matter where she was, your not together anymore... i know it sucks, but stop the insanity, let it be.

As far as your friends lying, i would mention how you heard he had some people over, and that he neednt lye about it to you.


People are funny, all the things we do to one another in the name of protecting or not hurting another, just a bunch of BS really.

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Yea, i know were not together anymore. She seems to be handling the breakup better than I am. 2.5 Years with her and i still struggle to get over it. ( today marks 2 weeks of NC. ).


It's one thing for me to be hurt over her, i can deal with that. It's another for my friends to start secluding me because of something she said/did or if she is gonna be there and aparently i cant be there either.


That's the only thing that bothers me, but i guess im making assumptions.

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It is easy to make assumptions, it is as if we want to justify their behavoir to what we are assuming about them....


Again dont worry about her or if she is over with it or not... some people show things differently..some people react differently. Just worry about you...it is all you are ever responsible for...

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