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I could really use some advice.

My boyfriend of two years and I broke up 4 weeks ago. We were having major differances so I made him move out. I know now I was wrong to throw him out 5 times over stupid arguments but now its too late. He rented the apartment right in front of mine and now he has another girl. We lived together for two years and this is killing me. I tried to breakup with him and he wouldnt accept my breakup, he got another girl lined up then dumped me afetr telling me he would love me forever. He still tells me he loves me everyday.

The weird thing is that we are still very best friends and he calls a dozen times a day and we even sleep together still.

All his friends say I am the only girl he has ever been faithful to, and he is obviously not being faithfull to his currant girl..

Anyway, the problem is he keeps telling me we are "probably going to get back together but he wants me to see what I did wrong".

I just cant handle seeing him with this other girl. It is killing me. I cant afford to move, thats not a solution.

Everyday when I am not with him I cry and cry. I cry all night, and I am afraid this might be affecting my job.

What can I do please, any advice?

This would be easier if he wanst just 20 feet away.

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Whoa wait a second....he would not accept YOUR breakup...yet your supposed to accept his??? WHAT A JERK! GRRR HIM!!!!


He says "probably going to get back together but he wants you to see what you did wrong" TRANSLATION: you two are not going to get back together. This guy is seriously on a power trip.


You still sleep with him and he is with another girl? Wow. You must not mind seeing him with that girl that much. I think your best bet is to say goodbye to him...he has obviously moved on (and out)...so if you need help getting over him...just ask any of us...we will help...


I am sorry it is affecting your job...but your best bet is to transfer all this sadness/anger into energy that will help your job...turn it into energy that will make you perform better, help you do your job faster or more perfect...or go that extra mile...turn that energy into running, picking up an old or new hobby, hanging with friends.


I hope this helps...


Good luck!!!!

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Wow this guy is playing a hell of an angle. From the sounds of it you haven't broken up yet and he's sleeping with someone else. He's not cheating on you though because you're not together.


Sounds like a sweet deal to me.


Come on this is just plain wrong. I understand it's hard not to sleep with your ex's, I can't keep my hands to myself when I get together with my ex. I even understand he might not be intiating it but frankly he's got you right where he wants you.


If you don't want to have a bf... (ex bf whatever) that sleeps with other girls, then tell him to choose because you can't handle this. Then you'll see his true colours.

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If hes being unfaithful to his current GF, he was more than likely unfaithful to you dearheart.


Sorry, but thats the nature of the beast. Ur better thaN that, get over him, find someone else, and for the love of god, STOP SLEEPING WITH HIM.

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From a guy's point of view, he's playing you. I mean he's saying what you want to hear and by saying it he's able to sleep with you still. Not only that he's also go the girl he's living with.


There was a reason you threw him out. Don't forget that. You have to remember he was damn lucky to have you and he took it for granted. You have to regain power over your life. The next time he comes over, tease him and then tell him to get lost.


Right now he's got control of you, get your life back.

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yo, girl.........he got the best of both worlds........a girlfriend........whom he cheats on, and u, who he can connect with whenever he is trying to get in touch with his feelings.........hey, hang in there, but wise up at the same time..........i would tell u to go out and have a good time, be with your friends, but when u are in a position that u are in, it is hard to go out and have a good time when u are feeling like this...........hun, ima tell u like i try to tell everyone else........is it worth it..........ask urself that, is it worth feeling like shit when u see him next door with another female..........if it isnt worth it, suck it up, and try to find the strength we all know u have............u are strong.......be strong..........and get through this.......we're here for ya

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