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Here is why I'm cheating


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It's amazing how many people are fast to judge...That you are not a human beeing...not worthy...blah blah blah. I bet you anything that if they were in your shoes for 2 seconds, they'd have other things to say. And I'm only talking about the ones who blasted you.

Who here never had that thought? Whether it happened or not? All of a sudden we have morals? I bet you there are only few out there, and my hat off to them, that never thought about an affair, when things at home were going good for a long time.


Yonick, I have to admit one thing...After I read your inital post, I had to go back and look at the name...because I thought was my husband writing.

I understand exactly how you feel, the only thing is that I'm in your wife's situation.

My husband cheated on me before we got married (3 times to be exact) with his ex (twice) and a co-worker (once). Stupid me, I married him anyways, since all wedding plans were finished. I come from a pretty old school romanian family, and no matter what, I HAD TO MARRY HIM.

I really loved him, but I always had that at the back of my head. Until this 'opportunity' came with someone I knew. And we had sex. 3 TIMES.

But, after being with this guy, my feelings for my husband started to fade away. It's happening as we speak. I'm not intrested in sex, he always initiates it...but I'm always tired or too busy. I have a full time job, and I also work out. I have a 5 year old son.

And yes, for now, I'm only staying because of my son.


SO, you are not alone....

ANd before you people start blasting, remember that you may not know the other side.

ANd Yonick, I agree with whoever said to check see if she's had or having an affair. I've been through it.


Keep us posted

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yonik I am so glad not to be in your shoes. I actually don't feel that sorry for your wife. I believe it is a spouse's duty and responsibility to make their partner feel loved and desirable. I don't understand these people who get married and then won't have sex with their own husband or wife. That's screwed up! I question their motives for getting married in the first place! I think there are things she isnt telling you. If you still love her then try to work it out some more, if not.......


I feel for your kids though, it's not their fault this is happening and I feel you have cheated more on them than on your wife. I would stop seeing the other lady until you figure out what you are going to do. Trust me your kids will disrespect you if they find out and that will really hurt.


This is just another thought, maybe you are cheating to subconsiouly get back at your wife because her actions have hurt you?

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