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Girls ever maintain eye contact with a guy you DIDN'T like?

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Lmao. Who goes through life with their head down, eyes closed, not looking at anyone around them? It's natural to observe other people. I can't help it! I don't really care what they think. Besides, I don't really "stare", like most people don't do that, I just hold brief eye contact.


Well ME LOL. I really try to avoid random eye contact in public, especially w/girls b/c in the past I've always gotten a freaking stank kind of attitude look back from them. So I just said screw it. I walk with my head down and occasionally try to look up to balance it out but I usually just stare straight ahead and not look into the eyes of others.

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I think a lot of us on this thread would really like to know if you were wearing a rainbow afro DLxx, and you should address this issue as soon as possible. Don't keep us guessing!


Anyhoo my two penneth


1. Never try to interpret something a woman does, you'll just go mad. I can only assume women consider it their duty to be zen-like riddles.


2. If someone doesn't find you attractive but stares at you, that's weird. If someone finds you attractive and just stares at you, that's still weird. I'm not sure I can think of a reason for staring at someone that long (besides being in a staring contest) that isn't weird. However, there are a lot of weird people in the world.


3. If someone is attracted to you but just gives of signals and doesn't have the gumption to make a move, ignore them. This sort of annoyingly passive behaviour should not be pandered to!


In my opinion.

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Hi...There's this guy at work who's always staring at me. He'll be having break with his coworkers and he'll be watching or if I'm passing him in the aisle,he'll maintain his eye contact until I look away which seems like we're trying to stare each other down. I don't know what he's thinking when he's watching/making eye contact with me. I sometime feel this is some sort of a challenge of his,but why?

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yeah trickswift,when I was your age,I remember looking at people that were different or ugly as you say. Then I got to an age where I was more interested in looking at guys that were handsome on the sly!


Today,I had an interesting day at work.the guy who always likes to stare/watches me when he gets the chance and didn't mind me seeing him doing it. I had to have a manager sign a release form and found out that he was one of the managers! It was all but maybe 15 minutes of him looking over the form and he was asking some questions like,if I will be working today and tomorrow. He saw me working today working,why would he ask that question? Actually,it was about overtime and if it would be granted to me because there's no overtime for anyone at all. I remember when I was talking about the form,he wouldn't look at me,maybe once or twice,but very brief. He kept his eyes on the paper he was holding. But,when I was turning to walk out I turned to thank him and caught him looking me up and down. He's not a shy person and this was the first time I ever really talked to him. It was almost like the tables have turned,instead of me being shy,he was shy or maybe not?? Maybe there was something going on here with him that I'm not aware of????? Oh and btw,he did grant me the overtime that I requested to keep which was a surprise to me!

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