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Girls ever maintain eye contact with a guy you DIDN'T like?

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An interesting thing happened to me. I was walking down the hall on the wrong side of the hallway and this girl was walking right to me. We caught eyes and she maintained eye contact with me for quite a long time. I'd say around 10-15 seconds. It got to the point where I got weirded out and looked down. But when I looked back up she was still staring at me. I then moved over to my own side when I passed her and went on my way. Is this a sign of attraction or some sort of game she was playing?

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Umm, either it's something your wearing or you are weird or she finds you really hot. Anyway, I have a question in someone elses question because I saw the name of this topic and it made me think.


What if a girl is sitting down like in school, looks at a guy the max: 3 seconds. Then inbetween that time period or after she throws her hair with one hand over her shoulders. Or it can be both hands sometimes (maintaining eye contact while doing this).


I have this happen to me a lot.

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I always say don't read into eye contact too much. Can mean nothing at all. She could've zoned out, thought you look familiar, reminded her of someone who she used to know/date, or thought you had something odd about you. As you can see it can be a multitude of things.

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I think eye contact is an awesome way to show confidence, and the fact that you held her glance that long is even better! You NEED to go talk to her next time....heck if you want to make it a little funny, go up to her and say "I saw you looking at me, why didnt you come say Hi?" in a funny tone so she knows you're kidding.


Just remember not to get weirded out by it...don't forget, she is staring too..it takes two people to hold that contact...and its an awesome way of flirting w/o even using words.

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or could be cause you were wearing a rainbow coloured afro.




10-15 seconds does seem like a long time- but eye contact alone, it's just not enough to tell if someone likes you. You also said she was walking towards you, why'd you avoid her? Maybe she was going to say something to you. I don't think I'd ever stare at a guy for that long, maybe you looked familiar. I think that's the only case where I would stare. A guy I like, I would glance at for a few seconds then when he looks at me I either make eye contact or look away. But staring creeps people out.


While we're on the subject of eye contact, have any of you ever noticed that if someone likes you then their eyes seem to 'soften' when they look at you? Are you immediately aware of this, or is it something only your subconscious notes?

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Na...it can mean something, just most guys don't get it. Most guys are too afraid to try anything to make it mean anything. Eye contact is powerful, whether you believe it or not....I link removed'on...every time I'm flirting with this girl at work, who even has a b/f, I can stare her straight in the eyes, she always looks back too, then either she'll smile or ask 'What?'and smile at the same time. Most guys are too afraid too look a girl straight in the eyes and make HER look away first, all the guys look away first....never do that. She's looking too...don't make it seem like YOU'RE the one staring, it takes two people to have eye contact. That's why this girl finds me interesting is b/c I can look her right in the eyes and she's not used to that...she even tells me.


Yea, but most guys don't take that initiative...they see a girl in the hall/street/etc.. they may like, then look away quickly as soon as she catches your eyes...you're never gonna get anywhere that way. Now if you do look her in the eyes, and she looks away really quickly, she's either very shy, or not interested, then the guy shouldn't do anything. If she's looking back at you and holding your contact, maybe even the point when you pass and you're turning your head to look at her...that's interest, then you should go talk to her.

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See....I know you're older, and have much more experience than probably any of us....but I'm don't go around staring at girls and keeping some creepy grin on my face while doing it lol. You're thinkin of something completely different....and that's not what the majority of guys are thinking when they're looking at you right in the eyes. The guys who can look girls in the eyes usually have the confidence to not care what you think b/c it should be flattering that a guy is looking at you...it means he's usually interested. You're talkin about some extremes that I hope no women go thru, but you're right...its a possibility...its just not what most guys are trying to convey in that image of 'staring a girl down.'


If I do it...I'm gonna smile of course...or say Hi at least...I'm not walkin around like this while keeping eye contact lol....maybe something more like this , then she'll get the message...if she looks away, or doesn't say Hi back....move on...she's not interested.

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lol. i GUARENTEE no woman i have ever made EC with thought i was creepy. i'm not actually one for staring at girls much though, since my standards are very high.


btw, I've had a few girls who were staring at me (i wasn't looking much, ie caught them doing it always) a LOT then when i approached them totally spazzed out and became nervous. Girls, dont stare at guys if you cant even handle when they approach!!!

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Terminator, it's actually pretty accurate what she's saying!! I've stared at guys that I hated or found unattractive just...well...because. Cuz they were weird or something and they caught my attention. And then when I really like a guy, sometimes I won't even look at them or not ever let them catch me looking...because I'm nervous or I don't want them to think I like them and not have my feelings returned.

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i have unintentionally stared at girls i didn't find attractive. not really stared at them but just daydreaming will facing in their direction, and they can interpret that as me looking at them.


similarily, i've been around girls i wasn't comfortable with and just looked for a way out asap.


not to say that this is what the girls you approached were going through, but it's a possibility.

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Terminator, it's actually pretty accurate what she's saying!! I've stared at guys that I hated or found unattractive just...well...because. Cuz they were weird or something and they caught my attention...


I think you people need to learn not to stare at people you're unattracted to b/c most people (especially in the case of a girl looking at a guy) will take it as a possible sign of interested. Obviously I don't myself b/c I don't take stock in eye contact at all anymore and make it a habit of not looking at random girls I don't find cute / attractive.


I think it's stupid to look at someone you hate or think it's weird. If you don't like that peson DON'T LOOK.

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i have unintentionally stared at girls i didn't find attractive. not really stared at them but just daydreaming will facing in their direction, and they can interpret that as me looking at them.



i did that i math and god did i never heard the end of it from the girl i was looking at while i was daydreaming

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Terminator, it's actually pretty accurate what she's saying!! I've stared at guys that I hated or found unattractive just...well...because. Cuz they were weird or something and they caught my attention...


I think you people need to learn not to stare at people you're unattracted to b/c most people (especially in the case of a girl looking at a guy) will take it as a possible sign of interested. Obviously I don't myself b/c I don't take stock in eye contact at all anymore and make it a habit of not looking at random girls I don't find cute / attractive.


I think it's stupid to look at someone you hate or think it's weird. If you don't like that peson DON'T LOOK.


Lmao. Who goes through life with their head down, eyes closed, not looking at anyone around them? It's natural to observe other people. I can't help it! I don't really care what they think. Besides, I don't really "stare", like most people don't do that, I just hold brief eye contact.

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