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i cant do this NC - im caving..... support!

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my last post was "were breaking up june 4th"

I thank every1 for the advice and support, but i cant not talk to him, unless im with people and occupied i cant do this, i love him so much n i kno i have to but it hurts so bad... ive been listenin to madonnas "power of goodbye" over n over n over again, its inspirational but then my heart takes over my head n i cry n want him to hold me and make it all better....

i tired, im trying, really i am so hard but its hard

we were 2gether 1.5yrs and i kno i loved him more than he loved me because he agreed with me about it since i lied to him b4 and he says all i bring is doubt to the relationship but i adore him n he sees h ow i treat him its just ive messed up n yea i admit it but i want us to work so badly but i kno it wont n this time has to be the real goodbye but its so hard.... its so hard .... i need support, advice - sumthing! -im goin crazy...

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It's midnight in New Jersey-- go to sleep girl!


In the morning, go get your hair done,

buy a cute top

paint your nails

go rent a video or go to the dog pound and pet the stray mutts

Clean your room

learn to cook a whole chicken with lemon and a chocolate cake

look at classes at your local college to sign up for something FUN

Mop the floor

Go buy some cute summer shoes

Get a Allure magazine and find something to buy


You MUST BE 100% STUNNING AND BEAUITFUL the next time you see him. YOU MUST be hot, fun, happy and interesting.

Now go to bed!

You look like crap after you've been crying and not sleeping!

Take care.

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oo hunn, listen i dont know how long this break up has been but it sound like its a fresh wound. dont worry its normal to feel this tempation and utter hopelessness. just remember to use something that mkes you happy to take your mind off of it especially for the first little while (for me it was driving lol, honestly day after the breakup i just drove!). keep yourself busy and focus on the positive. its clear you loved him and i knowww soo well how hard it is. just remember that time will make this wound a scar and although it will leave a painful memory it will also no longer hurt and alos carry a bunch of great anecdotes and memories just like a scar. thats the analogy i always use, its better than time heals all wounds...because really they become scars. and time does that. so just think about you feel about a scar...same thign! lol. i know right now it doesnt feel that way but remember that this relationship was amazing while it lasted you didnt come out with bruises from abuse, it was one that helped you grow as a person and be who you are today. and im sure you're happy wiht who you are, you can thank that relationship. and i think you're young and you have time and sometimes you need a break. who knows what the future holds, but this opens alot of doors for you and gives you a chance to foucs on yourself, your friends and your LIFE. good luckk!

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hang in there!


go for a 3-mile run. read a book. go out dancing with friends. get real dolled up and go hang out with a book, at a bookstore/coffee-shop. some nice guy will chat with you....


clean up your room, rearrange your place, go out with friends...



when you're at your worst, come online, and vent here, read here, post here. i can't tell you how the support and empathy from all the great people on this forum helps... say all you like--how you hate him, how you love him, how you know it won't happen again, how you want him forever. it's ok to contradict yourself--i have about my own ex.


But whatever you do, remember, this will only be fixed over time. Time heals all wounds, but it takes forever--even for us old fogies who *know* better....



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What you are experiencing is totally normal. You started thinking about him too much, you got a compulsion to call, and now you´re totally anxious, and this anxiety is prompting you to call him. It will be tough to hang in there, as you have stated yourself, but hang in there you must. You don´t even truly want to call, or you wouldn´t even be here asking this.


The anxiety will subside. Just ride this one out. Deep breaths, be kind to yourself. It will pass. You must do things to occupy your mind so it doesn´t wander off to him.

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Well, don't feel so bad - I caved - but I can't help it, I tried being strong - I love him and I guess that's all there is to it. He says he loves me too. We'll see how this weekend goes and take it from there. He says we need to learn about each other all over again this weekend and I said we need to do it without all our past issues being brought back up. So, I'm gonna try it again... maybe this time it'll work, maybe it won't but I'm willing to give it just one last shot.


*hugs* to you because I know this is the hardest thing in our lives to do - to leave the person we love...

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