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Do girls change depending on where they live, or are girls just the same everywhere?

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All Girls Are The Same

So I will be a bit more open about this on the internet because I'm generally trying to learn something here.

I'm from Miami. I'm 30. I lived there for 29 years. And I have a very skewed perspective when it comes to women. I see the superficial bull*** of women there. Miami is a cesspool of garbage and sin. And I ***ing love my city. The partying. The clubs. The drugs. But girls there are hoes. It's just what it is. I've hooked up with 2 girls who each had boyfriends. I love my bad ***es.

But I'm older now, and I'm looking for more "the next step". Settling down. Finding a wife. All of that.

I recently (October is going to be 1 year) moved to a small town in another state. And I really like it. The girls here are beautiful. I've hung out with a few of them. A few of my coworkers. And they seem different...

But of course in the back of my mind I'm just like "Nah bro girls are girls no matter where you go."

I will say it's a much more conservative, red state. Religion and God is attached to this town like peanut butter and jelly. I don't know if that changes things, as I would assume due to that kind of upbringing, marriage and family values would be much more important up here than in Miami.

I want to think that girls aren't just a bunch of hoes like they are in Miami. That there is different out there. But I've never dated anything other than Miami girls.

And I don't want to marry a Miami girl.

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Oof, girls here are gona kill you. 

Anyway, if we are talking in generalisations: You lived in the craziest state in the USA(those "Florida man" stories are wild lol) and led a party wildstyle with drugs and alcohol. What did you expect to meet but girls prone to that style? Also, as Florida has very large Latino population, pretty sure you could find some nice Catholic girl there also lol

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