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Ways to keep things interesting

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By 7 months it should be clear if a connection is made or not, so if it was, things are easier to keep interesting. I'd say do a variety of things; movies, bowling, beach, trips, etc. That should keep things interesting. For a girl, there's nothing like getting small things such as flowers just for no occasion or a sweet little note. It's true when they say the smallest things are the most important.



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Well... after 7 months, you should be at each others throats already j/k!!


No really, maybe plan a small trip out of town - that will spice things up. Maybe just for a long weekend or something. Or - you know, just go out and celebrate your 7 months anniversary - that would be cool: why? because no one ever does it!!


Its cool that you're asking. Your partner is a lucky bum.

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ooops sorry - i didn't realize it was an ldr... maybe also, the next time you guys get together, plan something special you've never done before, like a hot air balloon ride or something, a dinner cruize, whatever that's just out of the ordinary - ya know. and maybe let it be a surprise too! that will knock her socks off.

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Yes all those suggestions are good. Some general advice I would give you is don't become too predictable, too routine. If you find that your relationship is sort of following a timetable, mix it up a bit, change something, do something neither of you have done before.


I have no doubt one of the secrets of holding together a relationship long term is challenging each other and shared experiences. Get yourselves out of your comfort zone occasionally.

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I have to give credit to a number of veteran eNotaloners for this one (and thank them!):


Look up Gary Chapman's The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate, a book that will definitely help answer your question... It will also teach you how to keep your girlfriend interested & asking for more.


P.S. Beware, though: it might end up being more expensive than you expect. My love language, for example, is gifts... ;-) But no worries, apparently less than 5% of the population is as materialistic as me.


Read the excellent reviews on link removed here:

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Other links I found by searching the forum:

This is an overview of the languages:

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Quiz to find out what your language is:

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Edited for typo.

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There shouldn't be a problem at 7 months really. I've been with my boyfriend for 4 but we've been friends for 2 years. It just feels like we're friends that do things only my feelings grow for him all the time. If you were friends before then it shouldn't be a problem.

Just make sure you go out together once in a while. Do some different things. See friends together. Live separate lives as well as a relationship life and things will be fine.

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Ok, you asked for small romantic ideas right? (actually not a bad post. I am always on the lookout for anything new to do for my Angel).


Since letters take approx. 3-4 weeks to arrive, I have almost completely given up on sending major surprises throuh that way, but I still send her her Christmas Calendar that way. Just a small thing everyday for her to unpack and a letter for everyday...its a lot of work. especially for me (I am not the type to plan ahead, so sending it those 3-4 weeks in advance...well..its a challange).

The trick is to just always be on the lookout for something. WHenever I go somewhere I alwayslook for something she would like (or I just stumble accross it).


Even though its probably not that romantic for her, I think that just spending time together (be it by phone or even MSN or whatever) is really important for me. Its always hard when she forgets a "date" or dont show up, but spending time together, or just getting to know each other better is a sure way to keep the fire burning (THIS IS A METHAPHORE...NO FIRE...BAD IDEA it...didnt work out well

It doesnt matter if you have been living together for 25 years or just met. there is always something new you can learn about each other.

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