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Okay I know I posted a message yesterday about My boyfriend cheating on me when he got drunk, and didn't know whether or not something happened.. but honestly.. I think he told me all that because he wanted me to let him go because he wants to be with this other girl, Ashleigh.. All along I've been sitting here telling him who to be with because theres not one time I talk to him that he doesn't mention her.. so I figured that shes obviously doing something right.. I mean what shoud I think? Last night I told him he couldn't have his cake and eat it too, and it was either her or me.. He sat there for awhile and he came out and told me that I was right.. that he wanted to be with Ashleigh.. I feel bad about it because I didn't mean to so called influence his decision because I want nothing more than to be with him its just I cant come out and tell him how I REALLY feel.. Its just I don't understand how he is going to sit there and throw everything away, not only our relationship, but our friendship that weve built in the last 4 years. Before he gets so far gone in Ashleigh, I want him to know how I feel, and I want to tell him soo bad, its just I'm scared hes not going to want to hear it now.. I just need advice in general.. how do I handle this situation? I don't want to lose him..I know he loves me its just weve been fighting a lot lately and of course that never helps a relationship....




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May be you're right and this guy loves you and may be he's just confused right now… but remember he made a choice and you have to respect that. I know this sounds awful and you're in pain… but for the moment I think you should back off a little and take care of yourself.

He decided to be with another girl and I'm sure you don't want to be with him while he's thinking in another person. So, let him go… and give also space to yourself to heal and order your thoughts.


Good luck.

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well girl.............first off, i feel ya pain...........space is always good, take some.............true, he is gonna be with her while u back off, but if he really loves u, he will come back..........trust me..........take time, do you, and stuff will fall into place............he will ultimately make the best decision for him (u or ash) over time...........give him space, if she cant give him what u gave him, he'll be back............

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