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she loves me and her husband .. confused

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Can a women be in love with her husband (happily so she says) and still pursue an affair with me...(i'm married also). We have made love several times. I'm unhappy with my marriage, but she is content with hers. This confuses the hell out of me. why is she then cheating on her hubby with me. She tells me she's attracted to me...can't she control herself.


I feel somewhat strange, because i feel that i'm much more emotionally involved than her.


Can anybody explain this to me .... maybe a ladies perspective might help.

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Not a woman's perspective, but it seems clear that she's just using you - plain and simple. Best to get out now before things get messy. If it was the other way round, and a married man was sleeping with a woman, and telling her that he's happy with his wife, it would be pretty clear that he was using her for easy sex.

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