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why do i feel so upset?!?!?

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ok well i dont know why but i feel soooooooooo upset,ok my boyfriend called me, we talked for a few min then i told him to call me back like in 30min cause i had to do a few things, ok once i get back im siting there just waiting for him to call back, and he dosent, he prob fell alsleep on me just kinda hurts he said he will cal,l and me siting there waiting, i feel like thats how much he cares that he just falls alseep... why do i feel so upset plz help me

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did HE actually SAY he will call you back in 30 minutes or did YOU just TELL him to call him back in 30 min?


if you just told him, and he didn't say yes, then maybe he feels you should call him back. after all, he did call you first, and you were the one who was busy, so, its like a give and take - you know what i mean - he called you, now you call him.


if he DID say he'll call you back, well - maybe something happened? these things always use to happen when i was in my ldr - my parents or friends would call, so i couldn't call her back in 30 minutes, and i'd just phone back and apologize.


but really, since he did phone you first, and you said you were busy, IMO, you should be the one phoning him back - not the other way around.

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Where do I start? I am in a long distance relationship too, and our lives hang by a phone line (seriously) I have had your sort of problem too. I can almost garuntee you that it isn't that he doesn't want to call you back there could be lots of reasons... Sometimes it can be very late and when he is waiting to call you back etc... he falls asleep... or he forgot that there was something he had to do that he hadn't thought of before...

My advice is look on the bright side... I have been in my relationship for 1 year now, that has happened more than a dozen times, she sometimes will just hang up for no reason... etc. And it can really get you down because those phone calls are at the moment holding your relationship together! But every time I have felt like she had done something wrong, I always assumed to much, there was always some problem of some sort that couldn't wait. I have also been one that has to stay up really late before I can give my gf a call, and let ke tell you if it is already 2 in the morning and your waiting for a certain period of time to give someone a call or him waiting at a certain time you can easily fall asleep. What I would do is the next time he calls tell him how much you were upset, he'll like to hear that, and make sure you have a very open communication with him. (It is even hard to trust someone when your far away)


Ways I have learned to keep me falling asleep is to set my alarm for whenever I need to call, even if I never even fall asleep it is there. Just in case!


I have had many cases where I was extremely upset about something like that, but when I talked to her about it there was nothing at all intended to hurt me or forgeting sth.


Most likely you will feel perfectly normal when you talk to him again, and you can laugh together at how you were upset when he didn't call you. Remember it takes allot more work for LDR's to work! But if you feel he's the one they are definitly worth the effort!

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You have a right to be upset, because no phone call in a LDR is like being stood up on a date for normal people. It's true that it might be nothing, but for me missed calls were the beginning of the end of my LDR. Hope you can talk about it and work it out.

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Well i cant say in particular why your upset because im not you but at the same time i can put my self in your shoes for a couple of minutes for the simple fact that im in a LDR myself. When i tell my girl to call me back at a certain time and she doesnt i start to feel neglected. I know there might be times where u feel as tho ur upset over somthing stupid or petty but he is not there to hold u so u need his voice of comfort. In long distance relationships its very important how u communite and how long and often because ur so far apart. So its understandable why u got upset. I would have to.



ok well i dont know why but i feel soooooooooo upset,ok my boyfriend called me, we talked for a few min then i told him to call me back like in 30min cause i had to do a few things, ok once i get back im siting there just waiting for him to call back, and he dosent, he prob fell alsleep on me just kinda hurts he said he will cal,l and me siting there waiting, i feel like thats how much he cares that he just falls alseep... why do i feel so upset plz help me

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