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Hi! My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 9 months. Lately hes acted like he doesnt have time for me. I understand sometimes because we both work and he plays soccer. But I would like to have more than a 2 minute conversation with him a night. We argue about this often and tonight we went to see a movie with out me after he already invited me last night. I'm beging to think hes not as interested in me anymore. I love him so much and he says he loves me too but i dont know how long we're gonna last like this. can anyone help?


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Do you mean he went to the movies without you? To me it sounds like he needs some space...and worst case scenario, you are right about him not being interested in you. I would give it some time and see how things go...if not don't waste your time on him.

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Yeah... those are signs that he's not all that interested in you anymore. I think maybe you should pull back some. Towards the end of the relationship, my ex started giving me 2 minute phone calls also. I know - they are lame. Don't always take the phone calls, pull back, be mysterious, start hanging out more with your friends.


Remember - the only man in the US who has a right to use the "I'm too busy" excuse is President Bush. And let me assure you, that even the leader of the free world finds time to spend with Laura.


Wow - he stood you up? Well - that seems to me your answer right there. Sometimes, if you distance yourself from him, he may have a change of heart and start chasing after you again. Or he will be like, "cool - now I don't have to break up with her in person!" Yup - some guys are a pile of chicken poo, and instead of breaking up with you, they'll start behaving badly, so you break up with them! (because they don't want to feel like the bad guy).

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  • 2 weeks later...

If he's not calling you it's because your not on his mind.

If he creates expectations for you, and then doesn't follow through on the little things, he will do the same for the big things. Be aware of this and realize he's ok with disappointing you.

Don't be with someone who doesnt do what they say they're going to.

If he's choosing not to make a simple effor that would put you at ease and bring harmony to a recurring fight, then he doesn't respect your feelings and needs.

You deserve his time and a freakin phone call. In conclusion. Hes not into it anymore and you should get out. You deserve better.

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